February 2009 Monthly Memo

Associate Dean search

The Graduate School seeks innovative and energetic tenured faculty members who wish to assist with transforming graduate education at Virginia Tech.  Two .50 Associate Dean positions will be available starting August 2009.  Information regarding the vacancies is available through the Graduate School and on line through www.jobs.vt.edu.  Screening begins March 20 and will remain open until filled.

2nd Annual Ethics Bowl – March 17
Please encourage your students to participate in this program that promotes personal and professional ethics; enhances communication and critical thinking skills that enable students to consider, discuss, and resolve ethical dilemmas and justify their resolution; and allows students and faculty to work in groups within and across academic departments to tackle case studies from various disciplines.
Students may sign up at "https://survey.vt.edu/survey/entry.jsp?id=1234970960238"

Graduate Education Week 2009–March 23-27
Through a series of events, Graduate Education Week highlights the importance of graduate education, celebrates graduate students’ achievements, and increases the university community’s awareness of the contributions of graduate students to teaching, research, and service. Events will include:
– Student Appreciation Luncheon – Monday, March 23
– Student Art and Photo Contest – all week
– GSA Research Symposium and Expo – Wednesday, March 25
– Awards Banquet – Thursday, March 26
– Big Cook Out – Friday, March 27
Details will be posted shortly on the Graduate School’s website. We ask that departments find ways to participate in celebrating Graduate Education Week with us, or through their own departmental events.

Graduate Student Diversity Initiatives (GSDI)
As most of you know by now, Marilyn Kershaw’s last day in office is drawing near. The responsibilities carried by the Director of Recruiting (Marylin’s title) will be absorbed by the Office of GSDI. This office will have 2 new positions. Jane Rorrer will become Recruitment Coordinator and will continue doing similar duties as she did under Marylin’s supervision. In addition, and funded by the Implementation Taskforce on Race and the Institution, we will have a new position open in the office. In the upcoming days we will announce officially a search for an Assistant Director of the Office of GSDI. The Assistant Director will perform executive duties in support of the operation of the office. More information about this position will be made public in the upcoming weeks. The position begins in August 2009.

We held an HBCU Connect Meeting on February 11th. We are holding a similar event for Latino graduate students and Faculty on February 23rd. A Women’s event will be held on March 30, 2009. More activities are planned for April, be on the lookout for the March Monthly memo for more information.

CGS&P updates and clarifications

Changes in the Defending Student Status (DSS) were discussed and approved by the CGS&P at its February 18th meeting.  The proposed change in PPM 97 would include allow students who have completed all requirements to be enrolled for DSS if they can "schedule and receive confirmation from the graduate school" of their scheduled examination  within the first three weeks of the semester.  The proposed changes will be submitted to University Council for review and approval.  Once approved, the policy would be effective for Fall ’09.

Clarification regarding 4984/5984 for Fall ’09 – In conjunction with the change in policy regarding 4000 level courses effective Fall ’09, 4984 will be among the courses available for use on a graduate student’s plan of study.  4974 Independent Study will not be allowed.  A maximum of 6 credits of 4000 level coursework is allowed. 

Graduate Program Director/Faculty Meeting on Advising

This meeting will be held on Thursday March 19, 1:00-2:30 pm in Rm. F of the GLC.  An update on lasts year’s annual reviews across the University will be presented and discussion will focus on advising strategies for encouraging and maintaining graduate student degree progress. A few experienced faculty will be asked to start the discussion by suggesting effective strategies for graduate advising.  Please invite faculty in your departments, especially those new to service on graduate committees, to attend.  We will try a new sign up procedure as a number of GPDs have indicated they have trouble keeping track of these meetings. You will be sent an email request to accept or reject our invitation to the meeting and if you sign up, a meeting reminder will follow in a timely manner.  Please encourage faculty other than GPDs to let Anne McNabb (happy@vt.edu) know if they will attend. Suggestions about specific topics that you feel should be covered are welcomed.

Annual Reviews of Graduate Student Progress

This is a reminder that these reviews are due in the Graduate School by the end of Spring semester each year (end of May is fine). Please send the reviews as a package for the department as a whole and attach a summary of the results for your grad program(s). If the name of your department/program isn’t currently listed on your review sheet, please update that. In cases where students are not making satisfactory progress, please include clear information about the nature of the problems and the constructive guidance that has been given to them by their Advisory Committees. It is recommended that students sign their evaluation forms acknowledging that the results of the review have been shared with them. Many departments have students compile the information about progress and do a self evaluation as a first step prior to the Advisory Committee review. This seems to be a very good approach for promoting student investment in graduate degree progress.  If you want to save paper, we are happy to receive evaluations on a CD.  If anyone has questions about these reviews or would like help with setting up a new process or revising a continuing one, please contact Anne McNabb (happy@vt.edu).


 Assessing Graduate Student Learning

The Office of Academic Assessment recently presented a workshop on "Graduate Program Assessment" and offered guidance on developing and measuring graduate student learning outcomes. The workshop provided an overview of the assessment process and related benefits, types of direct and indirect measures for assessing graduate education and examples of graduate student learning outcomes that have been developed by various graduate programs at Virginia Tech. The session also included a brief discussion of a document developed by the Commission on Graduate Studies and Policy (CGS&P) through the workgroup on Degree Requirement Standards Criteria and Academic Policy (DRSCAP) entitled Student Learning Outcomes for Graduate Degrees at Virginia Tech, which outlines a set of potential, foundational graduate student learning outcomes and measures for assessing these outcomes. For a copy of this document or to request assessment-related workshops for your department you may contact Ray VanDyke (rvandyke@vt.edu) or Steve Culver (sculver@vt.edu) in the Office of Academic Assessment.

January 2009 Monthly Memo

Happy New Year!  We look forward to working with you to enhance graduate education throughout 2009.  Thanks for your efforts.


Reminders:  The Spring gathering of the Graduate Program Directors will be held from 3:00-5:00 on January 27, 2009 in the Multipurpose Room.  We will make this available to locations in the NCR.  Please advise us of your participation.  Topics to be discussed include on line graduate catalog, copyright/fair use guidelines for ETD, admissions letters and processing using web 2.0 technology, updates on 4000 level courses, GTA qualifications and culture for graduate education (in preparation, please see articles, "Grad Students Think Twice About Jobs in Academe" from the January 15 Chronicle of Higher Education and "Rejecting the academic fast track" from the January 15 issue of InsideHigherEd.   Hope to see you there.

The Institutional Plan for Graduate Degree is currently in development.  Please submit all proposals no later than February 1.  For more information, see October Monthly Memo.

Cunningham Doctoral Scholars Program

The Cunningham Doctoral Scholar Awards program is accepting nominations to recruit academically well-qualified doctoral students to Virginia Tech. Nominees should be accepted into a doctoral program at Virginia Tech (preferably from a non-VT master’s or bachelor’s program), with an outstanding academic record and strong academic potential for successful completion of a doctoral degree. Nominees should be U.S. citizens.  An academic department nomination is required and should include the following information about the student: name of applicant, VT degree sought, previous university, recommendation letter from department addressing eligibility requirements. A competitive GTA or GRA stipend will be awarded up to two years, with matching commitment from the academic department.  The first round of decisions will be made following the February 1st deadline.  Submissions will be accepted until March 1st.

Connect Lunch

In February, the Office of Graduate Student Diversity Initiatives will be hosting two activities in our Connect series. The first is the HBCU Connect lunch. This gathering was established years ago and continues to be a focal meeting point for Faculty, Graduate Students, and Staff with connections to HBCU. The goal of the informal lunch meeting is to identify problems & opportunities and to brainstorm on how to improve VT’s relationship with HBCU’s and members of that community.

A second lunch will be held in February, this one focusing on Faculty, Graduate students, and Staff with connections to Latin America. If you have Latino heritage, or have a project with a university in Latin America, or simply are interested in establishing working relationship with researchers there, come join us.

Date and information for RSVP will be announced in the February monthly memo and email announcements will be sent to several campus listservs, including the Black Caucus and the Hispanic/Latino Caucus.

Graduate School 2008-09 Awards: 

Friday, February 6, 2009 at 4:00 PM is the deadline for the following 2008-09 Graduate School award nominations:

  • Outstanding Graduate Alumni Achievement Award
  • Outstanding Dissertation in math, sciences and engineering–$1000 award
  • Outstanding Dissertation in social sciences, business, and humanities–$1000 award
  • Graduate Student Service Excellence–$1000 award
  • Graduate Student Teaching Excellence–$1000 award
  • Graduate Man and Woman of the Year– $500 award each
  • Outstanding Graduate Student by college at the (a) master’s and (b) doctoral level–$500 award each
  • Outstanding Graduate Student in Interdisciplinary Programs (doctoral)–$500 award
  • Graduate Man and Woman of the Year–$500 award each  
  • Outstanding Graduate Alumni Achievement Award — presented during the 2009 Spring Commencement ceremony.

Additional information on the specifics and requirements for each nomination can be found at the following Graduate School web address:


We encourage departments and faculty to nominate all qualified candidates as soon as possible.  Thanks for your cooperation.

Probation letters for students whose GPA dropped below a 3.0 at the end of fall semester were emailed on January 10, 2009. Students have one semester to remedy their GPA deficiency and departments should work closely with these students to help them succeed in raising their GPAs.  Copies of the letters were distributed to departments at the same time.

Letters indicating probationary status have been sent to students who have GPAs of <3.0. These students fall into several categories:

  • New students who entered in fall semester on Regular Status. These students have one semester to raise their GPA to 3.0. They may be allowed an additional probationary semester, on departmental request, if they are making good progress toward reaching a 3.0.
  • New students who entered in fall semester on Provisional Status. These students were required to attain a 3.0 GPA in their first semester.  These students may have one probationary semester. However, departments can deny these students a probationary semester if the first semester performance was so poor that they believe the student cannot succeed in the program.
  • Continuing students who have probationary averages either for the first time or on a sustained basis.  The university indicated that no student could be put on probation beginning in spring 2007 because of the tragic events of April 16 so students who had GPAs below 3.0 will not have “probation” designated on their transcript for that semester.  There also are students who were continued on probation for a variety of other reasons. We are writing to departments about the sustained probation cases because they typically need special attention.

Note that students may remain on assistantship for only one semester of probation.
A graduate student transcript will show Probation for each semester the student has a GPA of <3.0.  This is a change from the past designation of “Satisfactory Progress” that used to appear on the unofficial transcript on Hokie Spa of any student who was qualified to enroll in the subsequent semester, even if they were on probation. This “old” type of designation caused a lot of confusion about what was satisfactory progress for graduate students.

Progress to Degree: For students planning to graduate this semester, it is vital that they are aware of the following important forms and deadlines:

  • Application for Degree: The deadline to submit the Application for Degree for students intending to graduate in spring 2009 is March 1, 2009. Please direct your students to Hokie Spa for completion of this online form. Students must submit this form by the deadline to insure that their name will be listed in the Commencement Bulletin for the May ceremony.
  • Final Exam Request: Must be received by the Graduate School at least 2 weeks prior to the intended exam date. PhD and EdD candidates who intend to participate in the May ceremony must defend no later than April 3, 2009.
  • More information can be found at http://www.graduateschool.vt.edu/academics/dates_deadlines/commencement_deadlines.html

November/December Monthly Memo

Important Dates & Deadlines

  • The Spring gathering of the Graduate Program Directors will be held from 3:00-5:00 on January 27, 2009.  Please hold this date.
  • December 1 – Last date for accepting regular and online applications for spring admission; students applying after this date must use the expedited application
  • December 15 – Departments should submit all recommendations for admission to the Graduate School by this date
  • The Graduate School in the National Capital Region will hold its next monthly  information session Thursday, December 11, 2008 at 6:00 p.m. in room 318. Prospective students can attend the 30 minute session to learn about the requirements for graduate school as well as what programs are offered in the National Capital Region. Last month we featured the Marriage and Family Therapy program, please let us know if you would like  to be featured and give a short presentation . For more information please send an email to gsso@nvc.vt.edu or call 703-538-8327
  • Orientation for all new Graduate Students in the National Capital Region will be January 17, 2009 at 9:00 in the Northern Virginia Center. It is mandatory for all F1 and J1 student visa holders to attend. For more information see www.ncr.vt.edu call 703-538-8327 or send an email to gsso@nvc.vt.edu

Commencement & Graduation Deadlines

Commencement is a very special time for our graduates and their families and I hope you will join your colleagues in recognizing our graduates and celebrating their accomplishments.  I invite you to attend Graduate Commencement on Friday, December 19, 2008.  Mark Edwards will be the commencement speaker this year.  The Graduate School ceremony is Friday, December 19 at 3pm in Cassell Coliseum.

Master’s candidates who are eligible to participate in Commencement should report to the practice gym (Room 213) located on the ground floor at the back of Cassell Coliseum. Enter on the Spring Road side of the building.

Doctoral candidates who have met all requirements for graduation by December 12, 2008, are eligible to participate in Commencement. Doctoral candidates should report to the practice gym (Room 220) on the ground level of Cassell Coliseum. Enter on the Spring Road side of the building.

Faculty who will be participating in the hooding ceremony should arrive at the practice gym (Room 220) at Cassell Coliseum between 1:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. Check in upon arrival so that your name may be read during the ceremony.  Check-in will begin at 1:30 p.m. and end at 2:30 p.m.  Academic regalia is required.

Doctoral candidates who have indicated their intention to participate in the Fall Commencement ceremonies must meet all requirements by December 12, 2008.  If a student has indicated that they wish to walk, but now is unable to participate, please have them contact Janice Austin at jema@vt.edu.

All students should be reminded that in order to be considered a Fall 2008 graduate, they must defend their Master’s thesis or Doctoral Dissertation by December 10, 2008.  In addition, all degree completion requirements must be met by January 23, 2009.  Any student defending between December 11th and February 6th will be considered a spring 2009 graduate and automatically be enrolled for Defending Student Status of 1 credit.

Graduate Catalog Online

The online Graduate Catalog is going live on December 1, 2008.  This is the first version of the catalog and we will be adding more sections (e.g., schools, graduate certificates) in the near future.  Please review the catalog and your individual listings. Not all programs were able to complete the entry process so those programs are listed as "under construction".  There will be an opportunity for changes immediately as well as regular updates throughout the year.  check out the Graduate School website – we welcome your comments.  Thanks.

Application and Decision Deadlines
Applications for spring 2009 (including CGEP) will be available online until Monday, December 1, 2008.  We will no longer be accepting regular applications for spring admittance after this date. Students who wish to enroll for spring after this time will need to submit the Expedited Admissions application. The Expedited Admissions application will be accepted from December 2nd through Friday, January 16, 2009.

All decisions for spring 2009 applications must be submitted to the Graduate School by Monday, December 15, 2008.  If a department would like to have an application considered for a future term because they are unable to make a final decision now, the department should confirm with the student of their intention and obtain their interest in future consideration.  Once confirmation is received from the student, the department should notify the Graduate School and the student’s application term will be changed.  This communication should be done via email PRIOR to the start of the Spring term and not as a comment on the Online Admissions Analysis form. 

If you have a student who has not been enrolled for more than one year and plans to return for Spring 2009, their re-admission application must be received by Monday, December 1, 2008 for consideration.  They should also review their Plan of Study and determine if a Course Justification request is needed.

Special Studies Requests to the Graduate School for the Spring 2009 Semester:

As the spring semester approaches, select Departments still may be considering offering a Special Study class that is not on the current VT Timetable.  Please remember that this process is well defined by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University No. 6365 Rev.: 0; Policy and Procedures: Date: October 31, 2001: Subject: Approvals for Special Courses and Independent Studies:  

 ….Syllabi for ….5984 (Special Studies) courses should be submitted to the Graduate School office at least 10 days before the end of the semester preceding the semester the course is to be offered. All 4984, 5974, and 5984 syllabi must be approved by the department head and the college before being submitted to the Graduate School. The course syllabi should contain a distinctive title, not simply "Special/Independent Study."

Additionally the Graduate School has prepared and updated a Request for Special Study Form that was revised February 2008. This revised February 2008 Form must accompany this Special Study request. Please purge your departmental files of older versions of the Request for Special Studies forms as approvals now are only processed with the expanded and newer version of this form.  It is located at the following Graduate School web address:

 http://www.graduateschool.vt.edu/forms/index.html under “Academic Progress…Request for Special Study”.

 Thanks for your cooperation.

Graduate School 2008-09 Awards: 

Friday, February 6, 2009 at 4:00 PM is the deadline for the following 2008-09 Graduate School award nominations:

  • Outstanding Graduate Alumni Achievement Award
  • Outstanding Dissertation in math, sciences and engineering–$1000 award
  • Outstanding Dissertation in social sciences, business, and humanities–$1000 award
  • Graduate Student Service Excellence–$1000 award
  • Graduate Student Teaching Excellence–$1000 award
  • Graduate Man and Woman of the Year– $500 award each
  • Outstanding Graduate Student by college at the (a) master’s and (b) doctoral level–$500 award each
  • Outstanding Graduate Student in Interdisciplinary Programs (doctoral)–$500 award
  • Graduate Man and Woman of the Year–$500 award each  
  • Outstanding Graduate Alumni Achievement Award — presented during the 2009 Spring Commencement ceremony.

Additional information on the specifics and requirements for each nomination can be found at the following Graduate School web address:


We encourage departments and faculty to nominate all qualified candidates as soon as possible.  Thanks for your cooperation.

CGS&P updates

CGS&P discussions this semester have focused on issues of fair use and copyright for ETDs.  Modifications to the process and paperwork will be forthcoming.  Other topics have included support for interdisciplinary research and graduate education, strategic enrollment management, the implementation of the change in policy regarding 4000 level courses for graduate credit and conjoint courses and the importance of library to graduate education and research.  Defending Student Status and bachelors/masters programs will be discussed in January.

Please do not write on transcripts.  The Graduate School wishes to maintain the integrity of transcripts and is scanning them in.  Any items written on the transcript (e.g. Student ID number, dates, calculations, etc.) hinder the ability to keep the original document in tact.  Should you need to share information with the Graduate School, please use a post-it note.

Graduate Preview Weekend Nominations
2009 Graduate Preview Weekend Graduate Preview Weekend nominations are being accepted. To access the registration page, you will need to enter your Virginia Tech PID and password. A department may nominate up to three prospective students. The nominated individual should have submitted an application for graduate study and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident residing in the United States. Graduate Preview Weekend is February 19-22, 2009. For more information, contact Marilyn Kershaw, Director of Graduate Student Recruiting, at 1-2494 or at mkershaw@vt.edu.

October 2008

Dates & Deadlines

  • November 7 – Last date for PhD/EdD candidates to defend if they intend to participate in the Fall commencement ceremony
  • November 21 – Last date of PhD/EdD candidates to submit their ETDs if they intend to participate in the Fall commencement ceremony
  • December 1 – Last date for accepting regular and online applications for spring admission; students applying after this date must use the expedited application
  • December 15 – Departments should submit all recommendations for admission to the Graduate School by this date


On Wednesday, November 5, 2008, we will hold a Graduate Program Directors Workshop  an Advising Graduate  Students from 1:00-2:30. This will be held live via webcam from Blacksburg to the National Capital Region.

The Spring gathering of the Graduate Program Directors will be held from 3:00-5:00 on January 27, 2009.  Please hold this date. 

 Annual Call for Proposals: Institutional Plan for Graduate Degrees (IPGD)

The Graduate School calls for new degree proposal for inclusion on the Institutional Plan for Graduate Degrees (IPGD). The ’08-’09 IPGD is comprised of a list of degree programs that have been pre-approved for full proposal development and selected proposals that remain on the waiting list.  The specific degree, location and time frame are articulated in the IPGD.   The principles and guidelines for the IPGD are attached.

We anticipate that colleges will review and select from proposals generated by their academic units. We would like to receive the college-approved proposals by February 1st so that we can finalize the ’09-’10 update to the IPGD by the end of the Spring 2009 semester.

Please provide the following information (in two pages or less) for degree programs you wish to have considered for inclusion on the plan:

  • Need and Demand for the degree
  • Target audience
  • Faculty resources to be utilized
  • Graduate courses (existing and proposed) underpinning the degree
  • Conformity with the VT Strategic Plan particularly with regard to research emphasis and interdisciplinary nature
  • Source of financial support
  • Anticipated implementation date

The proposed degrees currently listed on the wish list will be considered for pre-approval in this review cycle. Please review the current IPGD "wish list" and indicate those proposals that should be removed from consideration. The current IPGD is attached.

Please send proposals to Karen P. DePauw in the Graduate School by February 1, 2009.

Nominations for Cunningham Doctoral Scholars
As an integral part of our recruitment efforts to attract outstanding doctoral students to Virginia Tech, I am pleased to open the competition for the 2009 Cunningham Doctoral Scholars Program.  Please review the guidelines and timelines available on the Graduate School web site.

Graduate Congressional Scholarship (Spring 2009)
The Graduate School is pleased to announce the availability of a one semester Graduate Congressional Scholarship for students currently enrolled at Virginia Tech. The scholar will be able to participate in the everyday work of Congressman Boucher’s office. While specific duties will depend on the scholar’s experience and interests, as well as the needs of Congressman Boucher’s office, duties will likely include constituent services, special studies, and support of on-going office activities such as telecommunications, science and technology, social issues, labor and education.

The scholarship is open to masters and doctoral students in all fields. Applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate program at Virginia Tech and have completed at least 18 credits of graduate coursework. The ideal candidate should possess excellent writing skills. The successful applicant will receive one semester tuition and stipend up to $15,000 (combined).

Applicants should submit a 250 word statement of career goals, a current resume, and two letters of support, at least one of which must be from a Virginia Tech faculty member in the student’s graduate degree program. Please submit applications or nominations by December 15, 2008 to Dr. Karen P. DePauw, Ph.D., Vice President and Dean of Graduate Education, Mail Code 0325, Blacksburg, VA 24061.

Graduate School 2008-09 Student Excellence Awards

The Graduate School is requesting nominations for the following graduate student awards:

  • Outstanding Dissertation in math, sciences and engineering–$1000 award
  • Outstanding Dissertation in social sciences, business, and humanities–$1000 award
  • Graduate Student Service Excellence–$1000 award
  • Graduate Student Teaching Excellence–$1000 award
  • Graduate Man and Woman of the Year– $500 award each
  • Outstanding Graduate Student by college at the (a) master’s and (b) doctoral level–$500 award each
  • Outstanding Graduate Student in Interdisciplinary Programs (doctoral)–$500 award
  • Graduate Man and Woman of the Year–$500 award each  
  • Outstanding Graduate Alumni Achievement Award — presented during the 2009 Spring Commencement ceremony.

Eligibility and nomination requirements vary for each award; please see http://www.graduateschool.vt.edu/academics/honors_awards/graduate_awards/  for details. Nominations must be submitted by February 6, 2009, unless otherwise stated. Award winners will be notified by letter. All awards include a monetary prize and a plaque or certificate. Winners and their advisors will be recognized at the awards banquet during Graduate Education Week in March 2009.

Please spread the word to all students and faculty so outstanding graduate students and alumni can be recognized. All of these above prestigious awards provide recognition and cash awards for selected graduate students.


New VT 4XXX-5XXX Con-Joint Class Numbering Process
The Registrar’s Office had just tested the latest version of Banner 8.0 and has given the graduate education community a new numbering option for all proposed con-joint classes. The Registrar’s Office will now implement a fifth character to all proposed 5XXX con-joint classes. The addition of the character “G” will now appear behind all 5XXX con-joint classes. Thus all con-joint classes now can have the same number as their 4XXX counterpart via the simple addition of a trailing “G”. For an example, the proposed con-joint class, AHRM 4314’s con-joint partner will be numbered “AHRM 5314G”. This will also allow departments to have greater numbering flexibility as it will increase the class numbers available to individual departments. Individual departments that already have submitted proposed con-joint numbers will have the class numbers adjusted by the Registrar’s Office during the “Fast Track Review” process. As always, any graduate class numbering questions for any proposed undergraduate and graduate level classes should be directed to the Registrar’s Office and Mr. Marvin Foushee, Associate Registrar.

Final Transcripts

We have notified students, who have yet to submit their Final Official Transcripts – verifying prior degree work has been completed and that their degree was conferred, that their records will be blocked for future enrollment for the Spring 2009 term until they are received.  Many students believe that the official documents submitted for admission’s consideration are what is needed, but in fact most of these transcripts do not show degree confirmation.  Departments should review any transcripts they have on file to see if they have received the final version of the transcript.  If departments have a recent transcript (received after May 1, 2008), they should forward it to the Graduate School.  Students who have earned VT undergraduate degrees do not need to provide official transcripts.

Commencement Participation

Graduate students, especially Doctoral candidates, should confirm their participation in the upcoming Fall ceremony.  Attendance confirmation can be done electronically through HokieSPA. under "Degree Menu, Graduate Student Degree Menu" option.

In order to be eligible to participate in the hooding ceremony during commencement, doctoral candidates must complete all requirements, including Graduate School APPROVAL of the ETD by December 12, 2008. The deadline allows us to prepare diplomas so that it can be presented on stage.

Education Specialists, Master’s degree, and graduate certificate graduates are all eligible to participate in the ceremony prior to the final completion of their degree requirements.

Changes to Plans of Study (POS)

Recently, there has been some confusion in regard to the timing of when changes to Plans of Study are required.  Once a POS has been approved by the Graduate School, any additions or deletions to coursework necessitate the filing of a Plan of Study Change form.  Changes to Committee structure should be done through the submission of the Change of Committee-Advisor form.  Student’s whose approved Plans of Study indicate that a course will be taken during one term, but in reality are taken in a different term, do not require any change to the Plan of Study.

Graduate Program Director or Department Head Signature on Plans of Study
Recently we have been seeing newly entered Plans of Study without departmental program signatures by one of these individuals who are the responsible parties for program oversight. Please return to having a Graduate Program Director or Department Head signature on Plans of Study.

Returning Graduate Students working on Thesis or Dissertation
When students have been out of enrollment and resume work on a thesis or dissertation, faculty advisors should require the student to be Readmitted and enrolled for the minimum enrollment of 3 credits. This enrollment  reflects the investment of faculty time spent on working with the student to get the thesis/dissertation ready for defense and is expected under the Continuous Enrollment policy.

September Monthly Memo

Deadlines & Timelines

  • October 1 – Students must submit their Application for Degree (AFD) indicating they wish to be a fall 2008 Graduate
  • Application for Degree submission deadline : October 1, 2008
  • Please note: The system will still accept submissions after this deadline.
  • However, an AFD must be submitted by the deadline for the student’s name to appear in the Commencement Bulletin.
  • Students whose Plan of Study is not approved will not be able to submit their AFD until the Plan of Study is complete and approved.
  • Please see other dates and deadlines for degree completion
  • October 15 – Deadline departments should recommend admission for spring International applicants
  • December 1 – Last date for accepting regular and online applications for spring admission; students applying after this date must use the expedited application
  • December 15 – Departments should submit all recommendations for admission to the Graduate School by this date


Graduate School Distinguished Lecturer
David Whyte on Leadership: The Art and Science of Conversation
October 22, 12:15-1:30pm, GLC Multipurpose Room
The Graduate School is pleased to present its Distinguished Speaker Series, featuring  poet and lecturer David Whyte, who uses poetry to help individuals and organizations "expand personal and professional visions and think in fresh and innovative ways.” Through poetry and storytelling he opens the “conversational edge” where imagination, creativity and energy converge and allow us to conceive of “new and unexpected answers to old problems.”  Through his lectures, Whyte  contributes to our understanding  of individual and organizational change. His clients include Boeing, Frito-Lay,  The Mayo Clinic, Stanford,  The Royal Air Force of GB, and many more.  

Graduate Program Directors Workshop – Hold the Date
On Wednesday, November 5, we will hold an Advising Graduate Students workshop from 1:00-2:30 in the GLC. 

Personnel announcements

  • David Trauger has returned from retirement to continue to assist with projects related to graduate education in the National Capital Region.
  • Marilyn Kershaw will remain as Director of Recruiting for the Graduate School through February 2009.

Policies & procedures updates

  • The change in policy regarding the use of 4000 level courses on the graduate Plan of Study, 4984 Special Study courses can be included in the 6 credits of the allowable 4000 level courses.  Independent study (4974) will continue to be excluded.
  • According to VT policy and SACS accreditation standards,  graduate students are not allowed to serve as the instructor of record for graduate courses. Graduate students (GTAs) holding a master’s degree or a minimum of 18 credits in the discipline can serve as an instructor of record for undergraduate courses.
  • CGS&P will once again review the bachelor’s/master’s degree program and welcome your comments. 

 Graduate Catalog
Academic program entry for the catalog will come to a close on October 1.  The Graduate School will  then review the content with the official publication to follow shortly thereafter.  After the initial publication the catalog will not be available for edits while we make adjustments based on feedback and lessons learned from the initial entry.  The catalog will be available again early in 2009 for edits to be made for the 2009-2010 catalog as well as contact and faculty listing maintenance.  We appreciate the efforts of the academic programs and colleges in making the transition to the online publication of the catalog!

Writing Coach
Thanks to the Writing Center, we  are pleased to announce the continuation of the Virtual Writing Center free to all students in the National Capital Region. All sessions are live, via video conference, Mondays and Thursdays, 6:00-8:00, room 313, Northern Virginia Center. Students should contact Jeremy Henry at juish@vt.edu for an appointment.


4000 Level Course Update

     Colleges and departments have reviewed the 4000 level classes that historically have been approved for graduate credit.  The 4000 level classes that departments desire to remain at the 4000 level require no further action.  Those 4000 level classes previously approved for graduate credit that now are being proposed as conjoint classes will need some minor revisions so we can be successful in our upcoming SACS review.    

     The VT Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC), which includes representation from the Registrar’s Office, Graduate School and all colleges, unanimously approved a “Fast Track" process to swiftly and easily process the 230+ conjoint classes.  Please visit the Graduate School’s web address noted below to review the “Reference Guide for 4000 Courses Previously Approved for Graduate Credit Procedures”:


     In order for Departments to get the 4000-5000 conjoint classes in the Fall 2009 Timetable, a quick turn target deadline of Oct. 17, 2008 was, unfortunately, necessary. This deadline will allow the GCC’s Subcommittee one month to review all courses submitted and then, in turn, submit the entire list to the full GCC for formal vote at its only November meeting on Nov. 13, 2008. This GCC approved list then goes to the Commission on Graduate Studies for its approval at its only December meeting on Dec. 3, 2008.  Thus, Departments, by second week of December, can insert new conjoint classes with new numbers into the December Timetable Banner screens.  All revised con-joint courses need to be submitted to the Graduate School:  Attn – Dr.  Brian J. Mihalik.

     If a Department is unable to meet the October 17 target, submit conjoint courses as they are completed but at the same time make sure you insert a class into your Fall 2009 Timetable so as not to lose your Timetable class day and time slot.  You can later make changes to the Timetable as necessary.


August 2008

Graduate School Forms Revised February 2008:

     Last fall and spring, the Graduate School conducted an extensive review of all its old forms.  As a result of this review, all forms have been revised effective February 2008.   Beginning this semester, the Graduate School will only accept  the new Graduate School Forms.  Please visit the web site below to see and download all the revised forms that are appropriate to your needs.  


Please purge your files of the old forms.  Thanks for your cooperation.

Personnel changes

     The Graduate School is pleased to welcome four new staff members to the Graduate Admissions & Academic Progress area.  They are IdaLinda Harrington, Joli Huyhn, Jennifer MacDonald, and Shelton Norwood. 

     The Graduate School also welcomes Dr. Manuel Pérez-Quiñones, Associate Dean in Residence and Director of the Office of Graduate Student Diversity Initiatives.

Faculty gathering

    On September 10, 2008, the Graduate School will hold its first gathering for faculty, graduate program directors, and departments.  The topics will include NRC doctoral assessment study, discussion of policies & procedures, interdisciplinary graduate education, and more

4000 level course update

     Colleges and departments have reviewed the 4000 level classes that historically have been approved for graduate credit.  To date, departments have requested that N=231 classes at the 4000 level will now become a con-joint class.  Departments also have identified N=22, 4000 level classes that they now want to move from 4000 completely to 5000 without a 4000 level counterpart.  There also are N=352 4000 level classes that will remain at the 4000 level and require no further action.  

      A sub-committee of the Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC), which includes representation from the Registrar’s Office, Graduate School and all colleges, will be reviewing all these classes the week of September 1.  The sub-committee will finalize a “fast track" process to swiftly and easily process the con-joint classes.  It will also discuss how to address those classes that desire to now become new 5000 level classes.

     The first formal meeting of the GCC for the 2008-09 academic year is scheduled for Thursday, September 11, 2008 where this review process will formally begin.  All colleges should make sure their appointed GCC faculty representative is clearly informed of the desires of their respective academic units.

Deadlines & Timelines

September 12 – Students must defend by this date in order to qualify for DSS.

Defending Student Status (DSS): The one (1) credit DSS Status was designed for students who had a completed thesis/dissertation ready for defense in one semester but could not arrange to schedule that defense until the beginning of the next semester (typically because of faculty schedules that are beyond the student’s control).

Please see other dates and deadlines for degree completion at:  http://www.graduateschool.vt.edu/academics/dates_deadlines/commencement_deadlines.html

October 1 – Students must submit their Application for Degree indicating they wish to be a fall 2008 Graduate

October 15 – Deadline departments should recommend admission for spring International applicants

December 1 – Last date for accepting regular and online applications for spring admission; students applying after this date must use the expedited application

Graduate School IT Wiki – Documentation

     The Graduate School is introducing its IT  Wiki.  Our Wiki will be your source for documentation of GLC space technology as well as for Graduate Student systems that we develop as well as for Banner usage.  Feel free to look around.  We’ll announce significant updates in the Graduate Coordinators meetings.

ETD Resources and Discussion Forum

     The Graduate School has created a new Blackboard course for ETD Resources and Discussion. This forum is open to all Virginia Tech graduate students and is intended to assist students as they work to complete their thesis or dissertation.

     To enroll, login to Blackboard using your username and password. Select the courses tab. In the course search box on the top left search for "Graduate School." VT Graduate School ETD Resources and Discussion will be listed in the search results. Select "enroll" to the right of the description. Submit the verification page. If you have any questions please contact Janice Austin.

William Preston Society Master’s Thesis Awards Nominations Due Friday, September 19, 2008

     The William Preston Society is comprised of former members of the Board of Visitors, the current president, and past presidents. The thesis award is given to a graduate student whose master’s thesis presents the best original research with potential to benefit all people.  Three awards are given each year, but the disciplines rotate each year. For the 2008-09 academic year, the Preston categories will be for the Humanities and Fine Arts (1) and the second category will be for Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering (1).  There also is a third award category reviewed at the same time for the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools.  It is a titled "Innovative Application of Technology in a Master’s Thesis" (1).

     Preston Thesis Award winners are selected in the fall by a committee convened by the Graduate School Associate Dean.  Winners also are recognized at the fall semester William Preston Society Weekend awards banquet and automatically become the VT nominees for the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools annual Master’s Thesis Award competition.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Secured theses are not eligible for consideration for the award ,
  • Nominees must have completed their thesis in the last academic year including summer.
  • Only one nominee per department.

Nomination Requirements (to be submitted by the student’s department)

  • 12 copies of a letter of nomination (including quality, relevance and significance of the research);
  • 12 copies of the 1-2 page abstract and ETD access information for the thesis;
  • 12 copies of the nominee’s 1-2 page abbreviated CV;
  • 12 copies of a letter of endorsement from the major professor.

Call for Nominations: Deadline for 2008-09:  Friday, September 19, 2008 at 4 PM in 119 Graduate Life Center at Donaldson Brown

     Successful candidates will be notified and will be invited to provide a brief overview of his/her thesis at the William Preston’s Society annual meeting. Awards will be presented at this meeting.

APRIL 2008


  • VT Blacksburg Graduation, Cassell Coliseum; May 9, 2008 at 3:00pm
  • VT NCR Graduation, GMU Center for the Arts, May 11, 2008 at 1:30pm
  • Application for Degree submission deadline : March 1, 2008
    Please note: The system will still accept submissions after this deadline.
    However, an AFD must be submitted by the deadline for the student’s name to appear in the Commencement Bulletin.
  • Last day to defend without next semester enrollment; Wednesday, April 30, 2008
  • International student admission deadline for Fall 2008 is May 15, 2008.

Access to Turnitin.com

The Graduate School is providing access to Turnitin.com services free to our graduate students and faculty through May 2008.  Our intent is to allow graduate students to be proactive and to check their theses/dissertations (or papers) through access to the plagiarism prevention software.  We also invite faculty and GTAs to utilize the software for use in their classes.  More >>

Application/decision deadlines
The following application and decision deadlines are approaching for Summer I:

Summer I – Starts May 19, 2008
Application deadline:  April 15, 2008; Dept decision deadline:  May 1, 2008
Readmission application deadline: May 1, 2008; Dept decision deadline:  May 16, 2008

Please note that International students must have a decision on them no later than May 15, 2008 for fall enrollment.  Any decisions made after this timeframe need to be approved in advance by the Graduate Schools International Student Services area, please contact them at igss@vt.edu . For those in the National Capital Region, please contact Marija Telbis-Forster.

International Student Admission Deadline for Fall 2008
The deadline to accept international students residing outside the United States for Fall 2008 is May 15. Since the visa application process may take 3 to 4 months, we must allow sufficient time for students to make all their arrangements. International students are expected to arrive in Blacksburg no later than August 18 and participate in the mandatory international student orientation on August 22. Any exceptions for specific international students must be discussed with an immigration advisor (Zelma Harris or Ruth Athanson) in the Graduate School . You may send an email to igss@vt.edu or call 231-8486 with details about the student’s situation. Decisions will be made on a case by case basis after evaluating the applicant’s chances of receiving the immigration paperwork and applying for a visa in time to arrive by August 18.

Expedited Application
Students wishing to be apply for admission after the application deadline may submit the Expedited application for consideration as a Commonwealth Campus, non-degree seeking student.  The last day to submit the Expedited Application for Summer I 2008 is Friday, May 16, 2008.  The Expedited application process allows a student to be enrolled for one semester, taking up to a maximum of 6 credit hours.  Student’s seeking admission under this option must reapply using a new application – either Commonwealth Campus, Non-degree, or Degree seeking – for any future terms.

Online Application Review
Submission of your review, confirmation, and changes is due no later than April 15, 2008.  For questions, please contact Jacqueline L. Nottingham, Director, Admissions & Academic Progress at 540/231-3092.

Commencement Participation/Attendance
Please go to HokieSPA and confirm your intent to particpiate.  It is especially important for PHD Candidates to confirm their intent, so that we may contact and verify the faculty who will be acting as your hooder(s) during the ceremony.  PHD Candidates wishing to walk in the Graduation ceremonies must have all degree requirements met – which includes submission and approval of Electronic Thesis/Dissertation (ETD) – by Friday, May 2, 2008.  Master’s candidates are all eligible to participate in the ceremonies.

Defending between terms
If someone must defend between semesters because of unusual circumstances such as a conflict with faculty schedules permission must be requested from the Dean’s office, by the student’s committee chair, to do so.  Please be aware, a later defense date will still result in the student being signed up for Defending Student Status (DSS) for Summer I.  It is unlikely that a student will be able to complete all the necessary degree requirements by the established deadlines to receive their degree award for Spring.

Graduate Education Week Photos Now Available On-Line
Photos from various Graduate Education Week events, including the awards banquet on March 27, are available for viewing or downloading at


Commission on Graduate Studies and Policies

Admissions category descriptions have been clarified.  The following language replaces the first three categories of admission in the Graduate Catalog.
          Admissions Categories:

Regular Admission

An applicant whose grade point average (GPA) meets or exceeds the 3.0 required by the Graduate School for the last half of the credits earned for their undergraduate degree, and whose academic background meets the requirements of the admitting academic unit, is eligible for “regular admission.”   A graduate degree, or at least 12 credits of graduate coursework taken post-baccalaureate, will supersede the undergraduate record in evaluating credentials for admission. 


Provisional Admission  (Master’s only).

An applicant whose GPA is below the 3.0 required by the Graduate School, but generally not lower than 2.75, and who has other experience or qualifications that demonstrate their potential to undertake graduate study, may be granted “provisional admission” at the request of the admitting academic unit.  After attempting 12 graduate credits and earning at least a 3.0 GPA, a student is changed to Regular status by the Graduate School.  If a 3.0 GPA is not earned in the first 12 credit hours attempted, the Graduate School will consult with the academic unit to determine whether the student should be allowed to continue.

Per U. S. Department of State regulations, an international student with F1 or J1 visa status is not eligible for provisional admission.


Conditional Admission

An applicant whose academic background is deficient in some aspect, but who otherwise meets minimum qualifications for admission may be granted “conditional admission.”  The admitting academic unit specifies and informs the conditions of admission to the applicant and the Graduate School.  The academic unit notifies the Graduate School when the conditions have been met.

New Degree Proposals

A resolution for the establishment of Master’s of Information Security Assurance Degree in the Virginia Tech College of Engineering was presented to University Council on April 7 for a first reading.

The Master’s of Fine Arts in Creative Technologies was approved by the commission and will be presented to the University Council for a first reading.

Transfer Courses on Plans of Study
The Commission on Graduate Studies and Policies has recently reaffirmed the policy about transfer courses from other universities being used on graduate Plans of Study. Only full graduate courses (typically numbered 5000 or higher), from an accredited university, taken while the student was in graduate status, in which the student enrolled for A/F grading and obtained a grade of B or higher can be transferred onto a Plan of Study for a VT graduate degree. Please note limitations on the number of transfer credits allowed (see 2007-08 Graduate Policies and Procedures in the Graduate Catalog on the GS website).

Scheduling the Preliminary Examination
Graduate students wishing to schedule the prelim exam must have an approved Plan of Study on file in the Graduate School. Lack of an approved POS or the need for changes in the POS or in the student’s Advisory Committee are very common causes of delays in prelim scheduling.  If a student has a probationary GPA at the time when exam scheduling is desired, the Advisory Committee should examine carefully whether the student will be in jeopardized by holding the exam. If the decision is made to move forward with exam scheduling the Advisory Committee Chair should consult with the Dean’s office in the Graduate School prior to requesting exam scheduling.

Graduate Advisory Committee Members who Retire
When a faculty member moves from active service to retirement and a department wishes to have the retired person continue to serve on graduate committees, departments should submit a Non-VT Program Faculty Committee Member Registration Form.  This will allow the GS to keep the retired faculty member "registered with the GS" despite other record changes that occur at retirement.  The following general guidelines have been used for several years when retired faculty are requested to continue to serve on committees or are requested for service on new committees. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure the availability  and service of retired faculty so that student committees are adequately and appropriately staffed.

  • If the Committee Chair retires and the student has completed prelims and is well established in the research project, the retiree may continue as Chair.  If the Chair moves away from the degree site, it is recommended that a Co-Chair from the faculty be appointed so that the student has an advocate on site.
  • If the Committee Chair retires but the student has not taken prelims, generally a new Chair is needed but the original Chair may continue to serve on the committee.
  • Generally, retired faculty should not begin new committee service as Chair. If retired faculty are requested to serve on committees there should be assurance that they intend/will be able to serve throughout the time typically required for the student’s degree completion.

March 2008

Welcome to the new Monthly Memo Format
The monthly memo is now coming to you in the format of a "corporate weblog".  Publication of this memo will now be exclusively online.  We will continue to distribute notification of publications via email as we have in the past.  You will also be able to subscribe, via RSS, to the monthly memo to allow your preferred RSS tool to notify you of the latest posting.  This will allow you to keep up-to-date without receiving email from the Graduate School, or your department.  Additionally, for those who use my.VT, you may add "Graduate School Monthly Memo" from the News heading as portal channel in my.VT.  To open an additional line of communication you are welcome to post comments to specific memos, and we will utilize the comment feature to solicit feedback in future memos.  You may review previous memos by looking at the "Archive" section on the right side of the page.

Graduate Education Week

Please check out the website for the GEW events.  Please consider sending some of your graduate students to the appreciation luncheon on Monday, March 24.  We hope to see you at many of the events next week. For events in the National Capital Region, please visit http://ncr.vt.edu/Notices/20080312-GradEdWeek.html
Access to Turnitin.com
The Graduate School is providing access to Turnitin.com services free to our graduate students and faculty through May 2008.  Our intent is to allow graduate students to be proactive and to check their theses/dissertations (or papers) through access to the plagiarism prevention software.  We also invite faculty and GTAs to utilize the software for use in their classes.  More >>

Graduate Student learning outcomes for SACS

The July deadline for entering information about our graduate programs for SACS reaffirmation process is rapidly approaching.  Last December the CSG&P developed some foundational learning outcomes for graduate programs at VT.  I recommend that you review these as you prepare the information over the coming months.  The graduate student learning outcomes are attached.

Graduate Catalog update
We will be working through College contacts to begin the process of entering degree program information.  Our goal is to have a third done by May 15, two thirds by June 15, and all program information published by July 1, 2008.   These dates are set to coincide with internal SACS documentation timelines.

Mentoring of graduate students
As you know, quality mentoring for graduate students is an important aspect of their graduate degree.  The June 14, 2007, issue of Nature (volume 447) contains an excellent article.  I encourage you to read and share with your colleagues and graduate students.  Your suggestions and comments are welcome.

Meeting about Yearly Graduate Reviews
On Thursday April 3, 1:00-2:30 pm, Rm F GLC, there will be a meeting for Graduate Program Directors to discuss the yearly reviews of individual graduate students. This is the third year that we have asked departments to share those reviews with the Graduate School so we have examples of a variety of review procedures. The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the benefits to graduate students and departments of having an effective review system, to share examples of  successful review procedures and to help those who are setting up new review practices.  Contact Anne McNabb about discussion topics that are of special concern for your department.

The Big Event
On Saturday April 5th, 2008 George Mason University and Virginia Tech will come together for "The Big Event" to serve the Northern Virginia community. This first-ever collaborative effort between George Mason’s Arlington campus and Virginia Tech’s National Capital Region (NCR) campus will involve a clean-up project at the start of Four Mile Run in Falls Church.  Both campuses are excited to give back to the community and hope that you will join in the action!  The project will begin at 8:30AM at the Isaac Crossman Park entrance  (501 Van Buren, Falls Church) and will conclude at 11:00AM.  Water and snacks will be provided.  In addition, all volunteers who RSVP in advance will receive a FREE T-shirt!  Volunteers may get dirty cleaning the banks of a local stream so be  sure to dress accordingly.  Space is limited so please RSVP at  https://survey.vt.edu/survey/entry.jsp?id=1205277207522 by Friday March 28th. If you have any questions about "The Big Event" please contact Vasanth at vasanthg@vt.edu

Online Admissions Application Review
The annual review of our online application and supplemental forms will begin next week.  This review is important to help ensure that individual department’s program information is being accurately reflected in the online version of the application.  All departments will be asked to participate and confirm the status quo or provide updates by April 15, 2008.  For questions about the review, please contact Jacqueline L. Nottingham, Director of Admissions & Academic Progress at 540/231-3092.

Preliminary/Final Examinations
Recently, we have learned that unscheduled preliminary examinations and final defenses have been held.  Formal scheduling of these examinations by the Graduate School is required before an examination should be held. Thus, the Advisor should have the examination card in hand before the exam.  Examinations held without prior scheduling will need to be rescheduled and conducted a second time.

Copyright Information and ETDs
ETDs are reviewed for format and checked for compliance with applicable university, state and federal guidelines, including the Federal Copyright Law (Title 17 in the U.S. Code). Figures, tables, images and other items reproduced or adapted from third party sources must meet the criteria established by the Copyright Law to be included in the published ETD. Items must be clearly cited and documented as specified by the Copyright Owner. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain the permissions from the Copyright Owner and to seek these permissions prior to the submission of the ETD. The Graduate School requires the written documentation of the permission before the formal ETD approval and the completion of one’s graduate degree.

Degree Completion
Students wishing to complete their degrees in Spring 2008, must defend by April 30th and complete all requirements by June 6, 2008.  For specific details related to commencement participation, where earlier deadlines may apply, see http://www.graduateschool.vt.edu/academics/dates_deadlines/commencement_deadlines.html

February 2008


  • Graduate Education Week is scheduled for March 24 – 28, 2008.  Both the Blacksburg campus and the National Capital Region will be scheduling events, so please mark your calendars!  Updates will be posted on the Graduate School website:  http://www.graduateschool.vt.edu/
  • Commencement
    • Application for Degree Deadline is March 1st
    • Last day for PhD student to defend if participating in Commencement is March 28th
    • PHD/EDD submission of ETD deadline is April 11th
    • Last day to defend without next semester enrollment for EDS and Master’s candidates is April 30th
    • PHD/EDD students must complete all requirements for graduation including the approval of the ETD by May 2nd to participate in Commencement
    • Degree award deadline to be considered a Spring 2008 graduate is June 6th

Commencement information may be found at: http://www.graduateschool.vt.edu/academics/completion/commencement.html

New Format for Monthly Memo
The Monthly Memo is moving to a new format which will allow for greater access and interactivity starting in March.  More details will be provided in the email that accompanies the March Monthly Memo.

Access to Turnitin.com
The Graduate School will make Turnitin.com software available free to our graduate students and faculty through May 2008.  Our intent is to allow graduate students to be proactive and to check their theses/dissertations (or papers) through access to the plagiarism prevention software.  We also invite faculty and GTAs to utilize the software for use in their classes.  Four different packages are available for use in classes.  Please check out the website http://turnitin.com/static/index.html for more information.  In the next two weeks, we will prepare the process by which you can acquire the password and access to turnitin.com.  More information will be forthcoming.

Graduate students transferring to VT with new hires

We know that some of our new faculty hires will be bringing graduate students with them to Virginia Tech.  As you know, these students will need to be officially admitted and the Graduate School staff will work with you regarding the admission and enrollment of these students.  If you anticipate that any exceptions to policy (e.g., more transfer credit than typically allowed), please contact the Dean of the Graduate School directly.  We want to address and resolve any issues as soon as possible so that there are no misunderstandings especially when transferring graduate students are incorporated into the hiring package.  Thanks.

January 2008

Welcome back to the start of a new semester and a new year!  We ask that you please share this information with faculty in your department.


  • Proposals for the ’08-‘09 Institutional Plan for Graduate Degrees (IPGD) are due February 1
  • Graduate Education Week is scheduled for March 24 – 28, 2008.  Both the Blacksburg campus and the National Capital Region will be scheduling events, so please mark your calendars!  Updates will be posted on the Graduate School website.
  • Ms. Karen Burke has joined the Graduate Student Services Office in the National Capital Region
  • Information  about graduate student awards may be found on the Graduate School website, http://grads.vt.edu/
  • Graduate School Distinguished Lecture Series:  Mary Catherine Bateson, renowned author and cultural anthropologist, is the 2007-2008 Graduate School Distinguished Lecturer.  The university community and general public are invited to hear her speak on February 26th at 4:00 pm in the Graduate Life Center auditorium. More information about Dr. Bateson can be found at: http://www.marycatherinebateson.com/
  • 2008 Graduate Preview Weekend:  Graduate Preview Weekend nominations are being accepted at www.graduateschool.vt.edu/preview_weekend.  To access the registration page, you will need to enter your Virginia Tech PID and password.  A department may nominate up to three prospective students.  The nominated individual should have submitted an application for graduate study and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident residing in the United States. Graduate Preview Weekend is February 21-24, 2008. The nomination deadline is Wednesday, February 13, 2008.  For more information, contact Marilyn Kershaw, Director of Graduate Student Recruiting, at 1-2494 or at mkershaw@vt.edu.
  • Cunningham Doctoral Scholar Awards:  The Cunningham Doctoral Scholar Awards program is accepting nominations to recruit academically well-qualified doctoral students to Virginia Tech. Nominees should be accepted into a doctoral program at Virginia Tech (preferably from a non-VT master’s or bachelor’s program), with an outstanding academic record and strong academic potential for successful completion of a doctoral degree. Nominees should be U.S. citizens.  An academic department nomination is required and should include the following information about the student: name of applicant, VT degree sought, previous university, recommendation letter from department addressing eligibility requirements. A competitive GTA or GRA stipend will be awarded up to two years, with matching commitment from the academic department.  The first round of decisions will be made following the February 1st deadline.  Submissions will be accepted until March 1st.
  • Annual progress review:  Annual progress review is an important part of the academic advising process for graduate students.  Spring is the typical time for conducting the Annual Progress Reviews (see Presidential Policy 229). A meeting of Graduate Program Directors will be held in February to share some examples of review practices that are working well and to engage in discussion and problem solving about review processes.  Please conduct these reviews during spring semester share them with the graduate students and provide constructive guidance for degree progress as needed. When the reviews are completed, please send us a summary for the program as well as copies of the individual reviews.
  • Progress to Degree: For students planning to graduate this semester, it is vital that they are aware of the following important forms and deadlines.
  • Application for Degree: The deadline to submit the Application for Degree for students intending to graduate in spring 2008 is March 1, 2008. Please direct your students to Hokie Spa for completion of this online form. Students must submit this form by the deadline to insure that their name will be listed in the Commencement Bulletin for the May ceremony.
  • Final Exam Request: Must be received by the Graduate School at least 2 weeks prior to the intended exam date. PhD and EdD candidates who intend to participate in the May ceremony must defend no later than March 28, 2008.
  • EDT Submission: The ETD must be uploaded at http://etd.vt.edu no more than 2 weeks after the successful completion of the final exam.

Degree Award Deadlines: Visit http://www.graduateschool.vt.edu/academics/dates_deadlines/commencement_deadlines.html

Application/decision deadlines
The following application and decision deadlines have been established for the upcoming entry terms:

Summer I – Starts May 19, 2008
Online application deadline:  April 15, 2008 Dept decision deadline:  May 1, 2008

Summer II – Starts June 30, 2008
Online application deadline:  May 30, 2008 Dept decision deadline:  June 13, 2008
Fall – Starts August 25, 2008
Online application deadline:  June 30, 2008 Dept decision deadline:  July 15, 2008

Readmission application deadline:
Summer I:  May 1, 2008
Summer II:  June 13, 2008
Fall:  August 8, 2008

Readmission decision deadline:
Summer I:  May 16, 2008
Summer II:  June 27, 2008
Fall:  August 22, 2008

Please note that International students must have a decision on them no later than May 15, 2008 for fall enrollment.  Any decisions made after this timeframe need to be approved in advance by the Graduate Schools International Student Services area, please contact them at igss@vt.edu . For those in the National Capital Region, please contact mtelbisf@vt.edu.

Summary of Recent Graduate School Meetings
Graduate Program Directors, Department Heads & Faculty Gathering:
On January 10th, the Graduate School held a gathering for faculty (department heads, program directors & faculty) to discuss graduate education, policy and procedures, and programs.  Some of the discussion focused on a quality graduate education experience and the document entitled Expectations for Graduate Study available on the Graduate School website (http://www.graduateschool.vt.edu/academics/expectations/index.html).  A two-page summary document is attached and I encourage you to disseminate this to your graduate students and faculty.  A lively discussion focused on the scheduling form for final examination.  As a result, the form will be edited but the signatures will still be required pending review at the end of the semester.  Inasmuch as academic discourse, faculty input and involvement is critical to graduate education, I plan to schedule graduate program faculty gatherings once a semester.

First joint meeting of CUS&P and CGS&P:
On January 11th, the first gathering of the Commission on Undergraduate Studies & Policies (CUS&P) and the Commission on Graduate Studies & Policies (CGS&P) was held.  The purpose was to discuss shared interests and concerns about academic policies and procedures which concern undergraduate and graduate students.  Several topics were discussed in depth and the commissions agreed to continue to collaborate on selected topics including:  tracking course proposals, review of Bachelor’s/Master’s programs, the use of 4000 level courses for graduate credit, and student life policies.   Committees will be taking on these tasks and sharing results with the two commissions.  Consideration will be given to increasing communications between the two commissions and annual gatherings.

Commission on Graduate Studies & Policy (CGS&P):
Degrees approved by SCHEV:

  • Ph.D. in Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought (ASPECT)
  • Virginia Tech – Georgetown University M.S. Degree in Biomedical Technology Development and Management

Procedures Updates & Clarification
Probation letters for students whose GPA dropped below a 3.0 at the end of fall semester were mailed on January 10, 2008. Students have one semester to remedy their GPA deficiency and departments should work closely with these students to help them succeed in raising their GPAs.  Copies of the letters will be distributed to departments via email by the end of the month.

Letters indicating probationary status have been sent to students who have GPAs of <3.0. These students fall into several categories:

  • New students who entered in fall semester on Regular Status. These students have one semester to raise their GPA to 3.0. They may be allowed an additional probationary semester, on departmental request, if they are making good progress toward reaching a 3.0.
  • New students who entered in fall semester on Provisional Status. These students were required to attain a 3.0 GPA in their first semester.  These students may have one probationary semester. However, departments can deny these students a probationary semester if the first semester performance was so poor that they believe the student cannot succeed in the program.
  • Continuing students who have probationary averages either for the first time or on a sustained basis.  The university indicated that no student could be put on probation beginning in spring 2007 because of the tragic events of April 16 so students who had GPAs below 3.0 will not have “probation” designated on their transcript for that semester.  There also are students who were continued on probation for a variety of other reasons. We are writing to departments about the sustained probation cases because they typically need special attention.

Note that students may remain on assistantship for only one semester of probation.
A graduate student transcript will show Probation for each semester the student has a GPA of <3.0.  This is a change from the past designation of “Satisfactory Progress” that used to appear on the unofficial transcript on Hokie Spa of any student who was qualified to enroll in the subsequent semester, even if they were on probation. This “old” type of designation caused a lot of confusion about what was satisfactory progress for graduate students.

Repeat Grades:
Many graduate students and faculty do not seem to be aware of the Repeat Grade option that “replaces” an inadequate grade. This policy has been in effect for about a year and is especially important when students receive low grades in courses on their Plans of Study.  When graduate students retake a course, the new grade is the one that calculates into the GPA.  The original grade is designated RG or RP, defined as “C- or less” and “C or less”, respectively.  Neither the credits nor the grade calculate into the GPA when courses are designated RG or RP. These grade replacements should occur automatically, but if they do not, please contact the Graduate School so changes can be made manually.  There are many programs where the same course number can be taken repeatedly with different subject matter so some manual changes will continue to be necessary.

Graduate students whose enrollment has lapsed for more than a calendar year are required to apply for readmission.  When a readmission is requested the Graduate School asks the departmental graduate program to review that student’s record (with emphasis on the Plan of Study) and to determine whether the student should be readmitted. In cases of relatively brief absences from degree work, where the coursework is current, no Plan of Study (POS) changes or committee changes may to be needed and the department is likely to readmit the student quickly.  In some cases the student may have been away for so long that the department will determine a degree cannot be completed, e.g., cases where committee members have retired and the department no longer has expertise in the field of the student’s thesis or dissertation. In some cases, in which the program feels the student should be allowed to continue, the coursework on the POS is >5 years old and the student’s committee must determine how the student can establish currency in the field (filing of Justification of Old Coursework form). In other cases, changes in the POS coursework or changes in the committee composition are needed (filing of Change Plan of Study form or Change of Committee form).  The emphasis in the readmission process should be on a review of past degree progress and whether the department will allow the student to continue and what steps are needed to have a current degree if the student is readmitted. In general, the longer the time the student has been inactive, the longer the time the department and Graduate School are likely to need to process a readmission request.


Pending applications:  Banner report SYRB601 allows departments to review and sort the list of applications that are still waiting for a decision. The report provides a data file that you can pull into an Excel file so that you can sort the data by student name, ID, campus, application status and citizenship status. If you need assistance in accessing or running the report, please contact the Graduate Student Services Office in the National Capital Region at 703/538-8327 gsso@nvc.vt.edu or the Admissions and & Academic Progress Office in Blacksburg at 540/231-8636.