February 2007


  • Graduate Education Week in Blacksburg: March 26-30, 2007
  • Graduate Education Week at NCR: March 26-30, 26 – 30, 2007
  • VT NCR Graduation, GMU Center for the Arts, May 13, 2007 at 2:30
  • Application for Degree submission deadline : March 1, 2007
    Please note: The system will still accept submissions after this deadline.
    However, an AFD must be submitted by the deadline for the student’s name to appear in the Commencement Bulletin.

    Personnel announcements
    David Trauger, Interim Associate Dean for National Capital Region (NCR)
    effective February 1, 2007
    James Turner, Interim Associate Provost for Graduate Student Diversity Initiatives
    effective July 1, 2006

Commission on Graduate Studies & Policy (CGS&P)
The Graduate School posts the progress of course review at http://grads.vt.edu/graduate_school/gcc/

The following degree proposals were reviewed by CGS&P in February:
Virginia Tech – Georgetown University Master of Science Degree in Biomedical Technology Development and Management (approved February 7)

PhD in Social, Political, Ethical, and Cultural Thought (first reading, February 21)

Graduate Catalog Changes
The Policies and Procedures section of the Graduate Catalog has been revised and posted. The links from the contents to sections of the policies have not been established, but will be active shortly. The ability for academic programs to update their respective sections in the catalog will be forthcoming. The policies have been reorganized and updated and there is now a Table of Contents at the front of the document. If you find apparent errors or things that need clarification, please send an email to Anne McNabb for the next revision in the fall.

Revised Course Justification Request
The Graduate School has revised the Course Justification (Revalidation) form and process used to determine that a graduate student has remained current in the body of knowledge represented by all classes older then 5 years when filing a Plan of Study. Please submit the revised form as out of date forms will not be acceptable for processing. The new form, Course Justification Request, can be found in the forms section of the Graduate School website.

Graduate Education Week Details
Virginia Tech will celebrate its seventh annual Graduate Education Week March 26-30.
GEW is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of graduate students, bring attention to graduate education, and build graduate community. The Graduate School is scheduling programs and events to mark this occasion, but your participation will make Graduate Education Week a campus-wide recognition of graduate students. Please help us promote GEW events, encourage participation, and consider coordinating a special event or gesture for your students during this week. Several ideas are listed below. If you notify us of your event, we will be happy to list details with the rest of the Graduate Education Week itinerary on our website. We appreciate your assistance in honoring our graduate community.


  • Encourage faculty members to take their students to the Student Appreciation Luncheon on Monday, March 26 at the GLC. (Details and reservation requirements to be posted soon on our website).
  • Stop by the GSA Graduate Research Symposium in the GLC Multipurpose Room on Wednesday, March 28.
  • Visit and vote on your favorites of the graduate student art work and photos that will be on display in the GLC during GEW.
  • Create a listing of student achievements (publications, conference presentations, awards, etc.) and post it on departmental bulletin board and website, or create small brochure if there are a lot of listings — circulate these in the department and share with the Graduate School.
  • Take pictures of graduate students in academic action (in lab, teaching, writing, etc.) and post them on departmental bulletin board, along with an action photo of their life outside the university (if the students are willing). If you share these photos with the Graduate School, we can include them in the slide show presented during commencement.

Institutional Plan for Graduate Degrees
The Institutional Plan for Graduate Degrees has been reviewed and approved for ’07-’08. A copy of the plan is attached for your information.