Virtual GLC Café Series: Graduate School Review of ETDs

What: Graduate School staff will discuss the the ETD Review Process

When: 11/1/13 @ 12:00-1:00

Where: Graduate School Lobby in the Virtual Graduate Life Center (vGLC) (meet near the Hokie Bird)


Join the Graduate School Staff weekly for online chats in the vGLC. This week’s topic: Graduate Review of your ETD. Enter the vGLC lobby at The vGLC extends VT’s graduate-education community from campus to computer. Using avatars, visitors to the vGLC can currently visit with Graduate-School staff about general academic questions; find Grad-School forms and policy information; consult with the Graduate Student Ombudsperson; attend virtual seminars and workshops; socialize with other vGLC visitors; and explore the vGLC space, which mirrors the real-world Graduate Life Center on the Blacksburg campus. For instructions on creating an account and downloading the software please visit . Please take the time review information prior to the event.

Questions regarding the vGLC should be directed to Marija Telbis-Forster




Graduate Student Awards

The Graduate School would like to encourage nominations for the following student awards: 

  • William Preston Society Master’s Thesis Awards – three awards, one in science/technology/engineering/mathematics and one in social sciences/business/education/humanities and one in innovative applications of technology, $500
  •  Outstanding Dissertation– two awards, one in science/technology/engineering/mathematics and one in social sciences/business/education/humanities, $1000
  •   Graduate Student Teaching Excellence– two awards, one for GTA as instructor of record and one as assistant, $1000 (NOTE: new to have two categories)
  •  Graduate Student Service Excellence– $1000
  •    Graduate Man and Women of the Year– $500
  •    Outstanding Interdisciplinary Program Student– $500
  •      Outstanding Graduate Student– one master’s and one doctoral student per college, $500

 All winners will be recognized during the Graduate Education Week banquet on March 27 as well as receive a plaque/certificate and monetary award. More information about criteria, forms, and process for nomination can be found on our web page at:


The deadline for the nominations is January 31, 2014 at 5 pm.

Contact with questions.


The Graduate School will be hosting monthly Graduation 101 Webinars. A webinar is a web conferencing and eLearning environment in real time. Webinar participants will need a computer with Internet access, microphone and speakers to fully participate. This week’s topic: COMPLETION GUIDELINES/CHECKLIST


When: Thursday, October 31 , 2013

Time: 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Where: From your remote desktop

Meeting Number: 649 351 827
Meeting Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)

To join the online meeting (Now from mobile devices!)
1. Go to
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: (This meeting does not require a password.)
4. Click "Join".

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:

To join the audio conference only
To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the meeting, or call the number below and enter the access code.
US TOLL FREE: +1-855-749-4750
US TOLL: +1-415-655-0001
Toll-free dialing restrictions:

Access code:649 351 827

Please contact Marija Telbis-Forster if you have any questions.

Virtual GLC Café Series: Scheduling Final Exams

What: Graduate School staff will discuss the submission process of scheduling Final Exams for graduating students 

 When: 10/25/13 @ 12:00-1:00

Where: Graduate School Lobby in the Virtual Graduate Life Center (vGLC) (meet near the Hokie Bird)


Join the Graduate School Staff weekly for online chats in the vGLC. This week’s topic: Scheduling Final Exams. Enter  the vGLC lobby at The vGLC extends VT’s graduate-education community from campus to computer. Using avatars, visitors to the vGLC can currently visit with Graduate-School staff about general academic questions; find Grad-School forms and policy information; consult with the Graduate Student Ombudsperson; attend virtual seminars and workshops; socialize with other vGLC visitors; and explore the vGLC space, which mirrors the real-world Graduate Life Center on the Blacksburg campus. For instructions on creating an account and downloading the software please visit .  Please take the time review information prior to the event.


Questions regarding the vGLC should be directed to Marija Telbis-Forster

GLC Open House 2013

The Graduate School will host an open house in the nationally recognized, award-winning Graduate Life Center (GLC) on Friday, October 25, from 10:00am to 3:00pm. 

The open house will include the following activities and opportunities:

  • "Serving Graduate Students" workshop and dialogue with staff
  • Tours of the GLC, including residential floors
  • Monopoly-themed scavenger hunt with prizes
  • Information about graduate-student services in the GLC, including career advising, writing support, statistical consulting, and counseling
  • Graduate-student art and photo contest
  • Playing with puppies on the GLC side patio
  • Fun photo ops with props
  • Visits with GLC staff
  • Light refreshments provided by ABP

The GLC is the first graduate facility of its kind in the nation. A joint venture of the Graduate School, Housing and Residence Life, and Student Centers and Activities, the center offers academic, administrative, professional, residential, and social spaces to promote graduate education and graduate community.

For more information about the event, visit our open house website or contact graduate student services at 540.231.9561.

Virtual GLC Café Series: Completion Guidelines



What: Graduate School staff will discuss completion guidelines for graduating students 

 When: 10/11/13 @ 12:00-1:00

Where: Lobby in the Virtual Graduate Life Center (vGLC)

(meet near the Hokie Bird)


Fridays, starting October 11, join the Graduate School Staff weekly for online chats in the vGLC. This week’s topic: Completion Guidelines. Enter  the vGLC lobby at The vGLC extends VT’s graduate-education community from campus to computer. Using avatars, visitors to the vGLC can currently visit with Graduate-School staff about general academic questions; find Grad-School forms and policy information; consult with the Graduate Student Ombudsperson; attend virtual seminars and workshops; socialize with other vGLC visitors; and explore the vGLC space, which mirrors the real-world Graduate Life Center on the Blacksburg campus. For instructions on creating an account and downloading the software please visit .  Please take the time review information prior to the event.


Questions regarding the vGLC should be directed to Marija Telbis-Forster


GRADUATION 101 SERIES: Planning on Graduating this Semester?

The Graduate School will be hosting monthly Graduation 101 Webinars.  A webinar is a web conferencing and eLearning environment in real time.  Webinar participants will need a computer with Internet access, microphone and speakers to fully participate. This week’s topic: Application for Degree


When:  Thursday, October 3, 2013

Time:  1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Where:  From your remote desktop

Meeting Number: 648 479 170
Meeting Password: (This meeting does not require a password.)
To join the online meeting
1. Go to
2. If requested, enter your name and email address.
3. If a password is required, enter the meeting password: (This meeting does not require a password.)
4. Click "Join".

To view in other time zones or languages, please click the link:

 Please contact Marija Telbis-Forster if you have any questions.