Continuous Enrollment Requirement

The Commission on Graduate Studies & Policies and University Council approved a resolution (2014-15H) which requires graduate students to be continuously enrolled in a minimum of three credit hours in all spring and fall semesters at the University from the time of initial matriculation in the degree program until graduation. Graduate students approved for in absentia status (resolution 2014-15J) or who are enrolled in the Cooperative Education Program satisfy the continuous enrollment requirement. Graduate students who need to break their continuous enrollment can do so by applying for a leave of absence (resolution 2014-15I) or by participating in programs and activities approved by the Graduate School that require absence from the University. Any graduate student failing to remain continuously enrolled without approved leave will be resigned from the University. To re-enroll, a graduate student will need to apply for readmission to their academic unit and admission is not guaranteed.

The continuous enrollment, leave of absence and in absentia status resolutions are effective April 6, 2015. Therefore, beginning fall 2015, graduate students who do not meet the continuous enrollment policy will be resigned from the University. Graduate students must enroll in at least 3 credit hours for fall 2015 by Friday, August 28, 2015. Any graduate student not enrolled or on approved leave will be resigned from the University on Monday, August 31, 2015.

Questions regarding the approved resolutions should be directed to the Graduate School Dean’s Office at (540) 231-5645. Questions regarding applying for leave of absence, resignation from the University and readmission processes should be directed to Graduate Admissions and Academic Progress staff (, (540) 231-8636, 120 Graduate Life Center OR, (703) 538-8439, 409 Falls Church Center).

New Student Guide and Orientation Programs

Getting Started as a Student:
An online guide is available for new students to help them get started. The guide includes information about the steps it takes to become a student (PID set up, health history documentation, registration and payment, Hokie Passport, etc) and links to a variety of campus events and services, financial resources, campus life, and more. Visit the online guide>> .

Orientation Programs:
The Graduate School hosts a new student orientation in the GLC auditorium on Friday, August 21, 9:00-11:00am. Morning refreshments will be served 8:30-9:00 in the lobby. Attendance of this session is not mandatory, but is encouraged, especially for students who do not have an orientation program within their department. We request that students who plan to attend this session register online (registration will open in mid-July).

We also provide a variety of information sessions and activities to help new students get started in their graduate career, including an information fair in the GLC between August 17-21. The fair features more than 50 campus and community organizations and services. 

Detailed information about the orientation and Welcome Week activities>>

If you have any questions or concerns about getting started at Virginia Tech, please contact us by phone at 540.231.9561 or by email.