Dean Diversity Assistantship Nominations Due Thursday

Dean’s Diversity Assistantships

Dean’s Diversity Assistantships are funding opportunities targeted at recruiting underrepresented minorities. Departments are asked to nominate prospective students for these funds.

Students are paid the regular departmental assistantship rate and in-state tuition; the out-of-state fee is waived. Students are responsible for paying their comprehensive fees.

Master’s and doctoral level students are eligible for this award. The number of awards varies from year to year.

A maximum of three nominations per department. Preference is given to students who are not at Virginia Tech as undergraduates.

To be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents entering their first year of graduate study.

NOMINATIONS must be made from a faculty and are due by March 1, 2012. For more information, please contact Dannette Gomez Beane at 540/231-6529.

Letter of Completion Request Now in HokieSpa

The Letter of Completion Request has now moved from a paper-based form to an online system in HokieSpa. Any current graduate student or alumni with an awarded graduate degree from Virginia Tech can login to HokieSpa and under their Degree Menu request the Letter of Completion.

A Letter of Completion will only be available for an awarded degree, not one that is pending for the current term or being pursued (no change from the paper form). The student will be able to select from a list of awarded degrees if they have earned more than one graduate degree from VT (MS & PhD or MS and Certificate, etc). The system will generate the Letter of Completion in the browser window as well as give them the option to display a PDF for printing or saving to the user’s desktop. This new online request system for the Letter of Completion allows a student to make the request at any time of day and have an immediate letter without having to submit a form and wait for processing in the Graduate School.