Exam Publication Tool!

We are excited to announce that the Graduate School is now publishing upcoming final examinations on our home page.  This information is published from Banner, live. We know your program may manually publish this information already.  We have several options to do this an automated fashion so that you may avoid some of that effort.  We are providing the name, date/time, location and thesis title currently.  Students with a confidential record will not be posted.  Future enhancements may include providing the committee members, a historical listing…  We would really like your feedback, so feel free to comment on this post to help us identify useful data or functions to add.

For those interested, you may subscribe via RSS. Website content publishers may use our widget to feed information for specific programs.  Alternatively we offer a JSON feed for you to customize the presentation of this information on your website.  Please see our wiki page for more details on adding this content to your website.