Dean Diversity and McNair Assistantship Nominations Open

Dean’s Diversity Assistantships

Dean’s Diversity Assistantships are funding opportunities targeted at recruiting underrepresented students. Departments are asked to nominate prospective students for these funds.

Students are paid the regular departmental assistantship rate and in-state tuition; the out-of-state fee is waived. Students are responsible for paying their comprehensive fees.

Master’s and doctoral level students are eligible for this award. The number of awards varies from year to year.

A maximum of three nominations per department. Preference is given to students who are not at Virginia Tech as undergraduates.

To be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents entering their first year of graduate study.

NOMINATIONS must be made from a faculty member and are due by March 1, 2013. Your PID and password are required to access the nomination form.

For more information, please contact Dannette Gomez Beane at 540/231-6529.


McNair Assistantship

This assistantship is for one year with departmental matching required for the second year. It is restricted to students who were Ronald E. McNair Scholars as undergraduates. Students are paid the regular departmental assistantship rate and in-state tuition. The out-of-state fee is waived. Students are responsible for paying their comprehensive fees. Master’s and doctoral level students are eligible for this award. One award will be made.

Each spring, the Graduate School Recruiting Office calls for nominations for the McNair Assistantship. To be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents entering their first year of graduate study.

NOMINATIONS must be made by a faculty or staff member and are due by March 1, 2013. For more information, please contact Dannette Gomez Beane at 540/231-6529.