Diversity Scholar Nominiations Open until December 10

Diversity scholars are graduate students who specialize in and advocate for the awareness, knowledge, and skills associated with diversity and inclusion in the Graduate School and greater community. A diversity scholar’s goal is to create dialogue, provide advocacy, and implement change for a more diverse and inclusive experience for all graduate students, faculty, staff, and administrators. This involvement can take place in many forms and can be specific to a particular curriculum or department, or it can be more global.

Each diversity scholar will receive a one-time stipend of $300 after completion of the program. Additionally, if a student presents his/her project at a conference, the ORDI will assist with the conference fees and/or travel, with approval.

Due December 10, 2013

Nomination form https://survey.vt.edu/survey/entry.jsp?id=1378238446124

Diversity Scholars Submission Form

Dannette Gomez Beane
Office of Recruitment and Diversity Initiatives

Recruitment and Diversity Summit

Graduate Program Directors, Coordinators, and Recruiters,


Please save the date for Wednesday, August 7, 2013 from 10-noon to discuss graduate student recruitment and diversity initiatives.


We will meet in the Graduate Life Center Multipurpose Room and also offer WebEx access for those of you who want to participate remotely.


Topics include but are not limited to the following:

·         Hobsons Connect Client Management System

·         Travel Schedule

·         Diversity Strategies and Initiatives

·         Visitation Programs


This is a collaborative meeting so much discussion is encouraged. More details will be sent the week prior to the event.


If you’d like to discuss your department’s plan for the 2013-2014 recruitment season, please contact me to set up a seperate meeting time.


Thank you for your commitment to enhancing the graduate student profile at Virginia Tech.

 Contact Dannette Gomez Beane with questions at dannette@vt.edu or 540-231-6529.

Graduate Student Climate Survey

It is a priority for the Graduate School, Division of Student Affairs, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion to ensure an affirming climate for graduate students enrolled at the Blacksburg campus. Graduate students are invited to participate in this survey regarding perceptions of campus climate.

Feedback is especially important. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes. Note that individual responses cannot be linked to names or emails and all responses will be confidential. The survey closes at midnight March 22. The answers provided will be invaluable to the graduate student community. 

If you have any questions, contact Graduate Representative to the Board of Visitors Robyn Jones.

Dean Diversity and McNair Assistantship Nominations Open

Dean’s Diversity Assistantships

Dean’s Diversity Assistantships are funding opportunities targeted at recruiting underrepresented students. Departments are asked to nominate prospective students for these funds.

Students are paid the regular departmental assistantship rate and in-state tuition; the out-of-state fee is waived. Students are responsible for paying their comprehensive fees.

Master’s and doctoral level students are eligible for this award. The number of awards varies from year to year.

A maximum of three nominations per department. Preference is given to students who are not at Virginia Tech as undergraduates.

To be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents entering their first year of graduate study.

NOMINATIONS must be made from a faculty member and are due by March 1, 2013. Your PID and password are required to access the nomination form.

For more information, please contact Dannette Gomez Beane at 540/231-6529.


McNair Assistantship

This assistantship is for one year with departmental matching required for the second year. It is restricted to students who were Ronald E. McNair Scholars as undergraduates. Students are paid the regular departmental assistantship rate and in-state tuition. The out-of-state fee is waived. Students are responsible for paying their comprehensive fees. Master’s and doctoral level students are eligible for this award. One award will be made.

Each spring, the Graduate School Recruiting Office calls for nominations for the McNair Assistantship. To be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents entering their first year of graduate study.

NOMINATIONS must be made by a faculty or staff member and are due by March 1, 2013. For more information, please contact Dannette Gomez Beane at 540/231-6529.

Preview Weekend Nominations Open

The primary objectives of Preview Weekend are to:

  • Familiarize prospective graduate students with Virginia Tech graduate programs, the campus, the Blacksburg community, and resources for student support and financial support.
  • Provide prospective students the opportunity to interact with Virginia Tech faculty, administrators, and graduate students.
  • Provide information to help prospective students make an informed decision about graduate education at Virginia Tech.

View the 2013 schedule.

Eligible participants must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents residing in the U.S. who have applied for admission and have been accepted to Virginia Tech.

Student must be from an underrepresented population.

The Graduate School will provide housing, food, and funds to support students’ travel. If a student is chosen, the host department is expected to work in collaboration with the Graduate School to provide high quality programs including opportunities to meet with faculty and students in the department.

Nominations are open from November 15, 2011 through January 13, 2012. There is a maximum of three nominations per department. Contact Dannette Beane at dannette@vt.edu or 540-231-6529 for more information.

Diversity Scholar Nominations are open

What is a Diversity Scholar?

Diversity scholars are graduate students who specialize in and advocate for the awareness, knowledge, and skills associated with diversity and inclusion in the Graduate School and greater community. A diversity scholar’s goal is to create dialogue, provide advocacy, and implement change for a more diverse and inclusive experience for all graduate students, faculty, staff, and administrators. This involvement can take place in many forms and can be specific to a particular curriculum or department, or it can be more global.

Diversity scholars exhibit the following strengths and knowledge in their work:

  • Multicultural Competencies
  • Advocacy Competencies
  • Identity Development Models
  • Communication Competencies
  • Conflict Resolution Skills

How do I become a Diversity Scholar?

Diversity Scholars are chosen based upon their competency in diversity and inclusion, knowledge about cultural differences, and belief in the Virginia Tech “Principles of Community.” A nomination is required and is evaluated by a committee based upon several factors seen in congruence with the Inclusive Excellence model adopted by the University Strategic Plan.

To demonstrate competency in diversity and inclusion, applicants are encouraged to take GRAD 5984: Diversity and Inclusion for A Global Society or to demonstrate knowledge based on past experience (e.g., work with diversity and/or inclusion) or course work (e.g., counselor education, sociology). Otherwise, students can be nominated by a faculty member or community member. An interview is required for finalists.

How much time will I have to commit as a Diversity Scholar?

The commitment takes place in the spring semester. There will be bi-monthly or monthly group meetings and training sessions, which will be scheduled with group input. The year’s involvement will conclude with a final presentation of projects in late April or May. Each meeting will last approximately one hour.

Will I be compensated for the time I commit to being a Diversity Scholar?

Each diversity scholar will receive a one-time stipend of $300 for full participation in the program. Additionally, if a student presents his/her project at a conference, the ORDI will assist with the conference fees and/or travel, with approval. In addition, students will earn completion certificates at the end of the term.

Dean Diversity Assistantship Nominations Due Thursday

Dean’s Diversity Assistantships

Dean’s Diversity Assistantships are funding opportunities targeted at recruiting underrepresented minorities. Departments are asked to nominate prospective students for these funds.

Students are paid the regular departmental assistantship rate and in-state tuition; the out-of-state fee is waived. Students are responsible for paying their comprehensive fees.

Master’s and doctoral level students are eligible for this award. The number of awards varies from year to year.

A maximum of three nominations per department. Preference is given to students who are not at Virginia Tech as undergraduates.

To be eligible, students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents entering their first year of graduate study.

NOMINATIONS must be made from a faculty and are due by March 1, 2012. For more information, please contact Dannette Gomez Beane at 540/231-6529.

Preview Weekend Call for Nominations

Graduate Preview Weekend
The Graduate School hosts a Preview Weekend each year in February. This recruitment event is aimed at increasing the number of talented and diverse domestic students in graduate education at Virginia Tech. Faculty are asked to nominate students for this event.

The primary objectives of Preview Weekend are to:

  • Familiarize prospective graduate students with Virginia Tech graduate programs, the campus, the Blacksburg community, and resources for student support and financial support.
  • Provide prospective students the opportunity to interact with Virginia Tech faculty, administrators, and graduate students.
  • Provide information to help prospective students make an informed decision about graduate education at Virginia Tech.

View the event schedule.

Eligible participants must be U.S. Citizens or permanent residents residing in the U.S. who have applied for admission and have been accepted to Virginia Tech.

Student must be from an underrepresented population.

The Graduate School will provide housing, food, and funds to support students’ travel. If a student is chosen, the host department is expected to work in collaboration with the Graduate School to provide a high quality programs including opportunities to meet with faculty and students in the department.

Graduate Diversity Scholars Program

The Office of Graduate Recruitment and Diversity Initiatives welcomes nominations for its Diversity Scholars Program

The Diversity Scholars Program encourages scholarship and faculty-student mentorship through diversity initiatives. Click here to learn more about becoming a Diversity Scholar and here to (self)nominate a Diversity Scholar.

Graduate Recruitment

The Graduate School Office of Recruitment and Diversity Initiatives is seeking recruiters. If you would like to help in the recruitment of more graduate students from your alma mater, home country, or from your discipline please contact Dannette Beane at dannette@vt.edu. Recruitment materials, travel funds and training are available.

Emphasis is given to recruitment involving Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Hispanic Serving Institutions, Tribal Colleges, and conferences focused on underrepresented students (this includes women in STEM).