Diversity and Recruitment Summit I & II

This summer, the Graduate School’s Office of Recruitment and Diversity Initiatives (ORDI) will host a Graduate Diversity and Recruitment Summit I and II. Your participation is important as this will be an interactive and collaborative exchange of information and ideas.


Summit I will take place Thursday, June 16, 2011 from 10-noon in the GLC room F and 401 NVC.

The agenda will include the following:

·         Snapshot of graduate applications from 2010-2011

·         Are we growing in numbers and diversity?

·         Current recruitment efforts

·         Future recruitment efforts

·         Brainstorm about best practices and ways to improve


Summit II will take place Wednesday, July 20, 2011 from 2-3:30pm in the GLC room F.

The agenda will include the following:

·         2011-2012 ORDI Initiatives

·         Coordinated School Visits Program forecast

·         Campus recruitment schedule

·         Marketing of our graduate programs

·         Climate and retention


Please participate to learn about and contribute to the graduate student diversity and recruitment efforts. Please share this email with others as needed.


*National Capital Region will have the ability to participate, more details to come.

Contact Dannette Gomez Beane with questions at dannette@vt.edu.

Office of Recruitment & Diversity Personnel Changes

The Graduate School announces changes in the Office of Recruitment and Diversity Initiatives.  Dr. Manuel A. Perez-Quinones has served as Director of said office and Associate Dean of the Graduate School since August 2008.  Since November of 2009, Dannette Gomez Beane has served as Assistant Director of the office.

Dr. Manuel A. Perez-Quinones has completed his term as Associate Dean and is returning to his home department, Computer Science, to resume his duties as professor and researcher.  During his tenure at the Graduate School, the ORDI office went from a series of ideas and plans to support diversity at the Graduate School to what today is a series of well-defined programs making the Graduate School a more inclusive environment.

In the last 2 years, and under the direction of Dr. Perez-Quinones and Ms. Gomez Beane, the ORDI office has had many accomplishments; among them are the creation of a Global Diversity course that is part of the Transformative Graduate Education Initiative, the reorganization and leadership of the Coordinated School Visits Program, the creation of the Diversity Initiatives Program, and the Diversity Scholars program.  In addition, the ORDI office co-sponsors many events on campus that celebrate diversity and that foster a more inclusive environment for graduate students.

Ms. Dannette Gomez Beane will become Director of the ORDI effective immediately.  She will continue to lead us into the future of diversity and inclusiveness at the Graduate School.

Recruitment Summit

We would like to invite all graduate program directors and graduate program coordinators to our Recruitment Summit to be held on October 13th at 1:30pm in Room F of the GLC.

The role of this meeting is for us to brainstorm about how to improve our recruiting efforts at Virginia Tech. We will present some new recruiting activities that we will carry out this year (with your support). We also would like to initiate a dialogue among participants about your best-practices when it comes to recruitment, and what are your biggest needs.

Come join the conversation.

Graduate Recruiting Summit
Sponsored by the Office of Graduate Recruiting and Diversity Initiatives
Room F, GLC
October 13, 2009

  1. Snapshot of applications and yield for last academic year
    Ethnicity/gender, State by state, Universities, Nationality
    What is missing?
    Where should we put more effort?
  2. Presentation of current recruitment activities
    Graduate fairs
    Summer Pizza Party for MAOP, McNair, REU
    McNair scholars
    Undergraduate conference at VT
    Fellowship opportunities
    Application fee waivers
  3. Description of planned recruitment activities
    Coordinated School Visit Program
    Call for recruiting/diversity initiatives – how can we help you?
  4. Open Discussion Best practices? What do you do to recruit?
    What would you like to do but can’t afford or can’t do alone?
    How can we partner to recruit a better/more diverse graduate student population?