April 17, 2023


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

  1. Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants Workshop
  2. Brown Bag Lunch Mentoring Discussion with the Dean
  3. Mentoring Road Shows

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

  1. Graduate Co-op Policy Update

Administrative Announcements  

  1. Cranwell International Center Leadership Update
  2. Final Semester Steps to Graduation
  3. Nominations invited for the 2023 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards

Meetings, Workshops, & Events

  1. Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants Workshop

Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants provide support to advanced graduate students to conduct research for their doctoral dissertations. This workshop will discuss grants in the social sciences, including current programs from the National Science Foundation Science and Technology Studies, American Sociological Association, and American Political Science Association. The workshop will include an overview of these grants, advice on preparing an application, and guidance from faculty (Barbara Allen, Sarah Ovink, and Lee Vinsel). The workshop is intended for graduate students and faculty advisors in doctoral programs. The workshop will take place over zoom, and registration is required. Please contact Tom Ewing with any questions.

April 19, 12:30 pm

Zoom registration required: 


  1. Brown Bag Lunch Mentoring Discussion with the Dean

Bring your lunch and join Dean Surprenant for a mentoring discussion. If you cannot attend in person, join via Zoom:

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 371 203 0897

April 27th 12:20-1:20——-Newman Library Multipurpose Room

  1. Mentoring Road Shows

 A reminder that Dr. Kevin Edgar and Dr. Bill Huckle are interested in going out to departments and programs with an interactive, scenario-based “road show” on mentorship, aimed at sparking productive conversation within the program about how to deal with challenging mentorship situations. The program is suitable for all faculty. They will visit a department/program faculty meeting, a workshop or other special gathering, or whatever is convenient for your team. Please contact Kevin Edgar (kjedgar@vt.edu) or Bill Huckle (wrhuckle@exchange.vt.edu) to schedule a “road show” for your group.

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

  1. Graduate Co-op Policy Update

 Starting this summer, graduate co-op opportunities will not require enrollment in a 1-credit co-op course. The revisions to co-op policy will allow students to enroll in a zero-credit co-op course (incurring no tuition charges) and engage in short-term or part-time co-op opportunities as well, in addition to the full-time semester or summer-long engagements. We are in the process of updating related policies and procedures, but you will see the changes before the end of the semester. If you have already assisted students with adding a one-credit co-op course to their plan of study for this summer, you do not need to redo this work; these will be administratively corrected to zero credit in the Graduate School upon receipt.

Administrative Announcements

  1. Cranwell International Center Leadership Update

After nearly 8 years of serving as Director of the Cranwell International Center, David Clubb is stepping down to become the inaugural Executive Director of The Cranwell Foundation, effective May 1, 2023. The Cranwell Foundation is a Blacksburg-based family philanthropy. The family initially endowed the Cranwell International Center at VT over 30 years ago and recently provided a record-setting $7 million to further support the center. David’s last day in the office will be March 31. Effective immediately, and until a new director is hired, Vivian Yamoah, Associate Director for International Services, will represent Cranwell International Center regarding all immigration-related matters; Dr. Robert (Rob) Emmett, Associate Director for International Programs, is the contact regarding all international programs and events; and Dr. Iuliia Hoban, Assistant Director for Intercultural Learning & Program Director for Mozaiko, LLC, will represent Cranwell regarding all global/ intercultural learning matters. If you have any questions, please email international@vt.edu or call 540-231-6527.

  1. Final Semester Steps to Graduation

The website guiding graduate students through the final steps toward graduation has been updated recently. Please refer your graduate students to this site for information about application for degree, final exam/evaluation scheduling, international invitations to commencement, diplomas, and more: https://graduateschool.vt.edu/academics/what-you-need-to-graduate.html.

  1. Nominations invited for the 2023 CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards

The Graduate School invites nominations for the CGS/ProQuest Distinguished Dissertation Awards in the fields of (1) biological sciences/life sciences and (2) humanities and fine arts. Details are available at https://cgsnet.org/about/awards-2/cgs-proquest-distinguished-dissertation/. If you are interested in nominating a dissertation, please contact Monika Gibson at gibsonm@vt.edu. Because Virginia Tech is limited to one nomination per category, the Graduate School will select finalists and assist with compiling the nominations.