July 16, 2024


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

  1. Graduate Coordinators Meeting: Using Navigate in Grad Advising

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

  1. IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP)-Application Call Now Open

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements  

  1. CIRTL Network Summer Programming Schedule
  2. Raising Awareness of the Graduate School Ombuds

Meetings, Workshops, & Events

  1. Graduate Coordinators Meeting: Using Navigate in Grad Advising

Monday, July 29th 2:00-3:00 p.m. via Zoom

We invite all graduate coordinators for this summer gathering to share information and best practices. Featured topics for discussion include:

 – Using Navigate in graduate advising

 – New student orientation

If you wish to attend, please register at https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZModOmspjgrGtPYgCWWeXLa3n5PZW0jDFIM


Deadlines & Dates to Remember

  1. IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP)_Application Call Now Open

Spread the word! The IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) next application call is now open and will close on 30 September 2024. To read more about the programme and eligibility requirements, please visit the link:  IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme | IAEA and Information for applicants | IAEA.

 The IAEA Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellowship Programme (MSCFP) was launched in 2020 by the IAEA Director General to increase the number of women in the nuclear field, supporting an inclusive workforce of men and women who contribute to and drive global scientific and technological innovation.

The programme aims to inspire and encourage women to pursue a career in the nuclear related field, by providing highly motivated female students with scholarships for master’s programmes and an opportunity to pursue an internship facilitated by the IAEA. Scholarships are awarded annually.

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements

  1. CIRTL Network Summer Programming Schedule

Virginia Tech is a member of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network, which offers a variety of programming opportunities, including online workshops, available to graduate students and postdoctoral associates at institutions in the CIRTL Network at no cost. This summer, the CIRTL Network schedule includes programming focused on evidence-based teaching fundamentals and academic professional development. You can find the full CIRTL Network summer programming schedule, including descriptions and registration information, at https://cirtl.net/events/. To learn more about CIRTL, visit the network’s website at https://www.cirtl.net/. For more information about CIRTL at Virginia Tech, visit https://cirtl.vt.edu/ or email cirtl@vt.edu.

  1. Raising Awareness of the Graduate School Ombuds

Raising awareness and developing an understanding of how the role of the Graduate School Ombuds may provide support for the VT community is one of the key tasks of the Ombuds.  Connecting face to face with students and the faculty they work with is one of the best ways for individuals to learn about the services the Ombuds Office can provide.

One way to do this is to allow 10 minutes for a short presentation during your orientation programs for first year students. In these conversations I cover an intro to the role, the types of support available, and certain initiatives that the office is working on. Longer sessions around specific skill-building topics in first year seminar courses are available as well. Speaking during a faculty meeting would be another way to increase awareness of the role with those who work directly with students on a daily basis. If you would like to schedule a session or discuss other opportunities to connect with your students and faculty, please contact Bryan Hanson at bryanh76@vt.edu.