July 1, 2024


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

  1. Graduate Coordinators Meeting: Using Navigate in Grad Advising
  2. Learn How to Write Effective Grant Proposals

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

 Administrative Announcements  

  1. CIRTL Network Summer Programming Schedule
  2. 2024-25 Graduate Catalog Update Notice

Meetings, Workshops, & Events

  1. Graduate Coordinators Meeting: Using Navigate in Grad Advising

Monday, July 29th 2:00-3:00 p.m. via Zoom

We invite all graduate coordinators for this summer gathering to share information and best practices. Featured topics for discussion include:

 – Using Navigate in graduate advising

 – New student orientation

If you wish to attend, please register at https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZModOmspjgrGtPYgCWWeXLa3n5PZW0jDFIM

  1. Learn How to Write Effective Grant Proposals

Wednesday, July 10th 2:00-3:15 p.m. GLC Meeting Room F

There are many opportunities for graduate students to write proposals in order to obtain their own funding (the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships Program (GRFP) being a great example). Every VT grad student should strongly consider writing such a proposal. Benefits to you include: RA funding, a great line on your CV, increasing your appeal to potential advisors and collaborators, and gaining valuable experience in selling your ideas, writing grant proposals, and in persuasive writing in general.

Now you have a great opportunity to learn how to write effective proposals. The Graduate School will share an American Chemical Society webinar from expert grant writers on the topic “Crafting a Standout Grant Proposal: Tips and Success Stories.”

 Come and join us in Conference Room F of the Graduate Life Center (GLC) on July 10, from 2:00-3:15 pm, to view the webinar together. Associate Dean Kevin Edgar will also be there in person to answer any specific questions you might have afterwards. Plus, there will be popcorn!


Deadlines & Dates to Remember Policy Updates 

Administrative Announcements

  1. CIRTL Network Summer Programming Schedule 

Virginia Tech is a member of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network, which offers a variety of programming opportunities, including online workshops, available to graduate students and postdoctoral associates at institutions in the CIRTL Network at no cost. This summer, the CIRTL Network schedule includes programming focused on evidence-based teaching fundamentals and academic professional development. You can find the full CIRTL Network summer programming schedule, including descriptions and registration information, at https://cirtl.net/events/. To learn more about CIRTL, visit the network’s website at https://www.cirtl.net/. For more information about CIRTL at Virginia Tech, visit https://cirtl.vt.edu/ or email cirtl@vt.edu.

  1. 2024-25 Graduate Catalog Update Notice

If your department/program has not yet completed our catalog entry survey regarding all of your degree and certificate programs, please complete this survey for each approved graduate degree or certificate program within your responsibility. You may also forward the survey link to any person within your department/program who has the knowledge and authority to provide the necessary information for the catalog: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScFsJmZ1EcZq5zbGCrMmznPCu3q2m79u0SYHTFSupuxIQELBA/viewform.

Since the submission deadline of June 28 has passed, we will be sending out reminders to programs with missing entries this week. Kudos to the many departments and programs that submitted ~230 degree program and certificate details so far – we appreciate your cooperation! The 2024-25 catalog will be created in CourseLeaf based on your submission(s). If you have any difficulty completing the survey or have any questions about the process, please contact Bill Huckle, wrhuckle@vt.edu.