July 17, 2023


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

 Administrative Announcements  

  1. Annual Progress Report for Graduate Students
  2. Raising Awareness of the Graduate School Ombuds

Meetings, Workshops, & Events

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements

  1. Annual Progress Report for Graduate Students

Graduate education policy requires that all graduate students have an Annual Review of Progress at least once a year by their Advisory Committees. Students who do not yet have a Plan of Study or an Advisory Committee should be reviewed by the Graduate Program Director or a departmental Graduate Committee (see Graduate Catalog-Satisfactory Progress Toward a Graduate Degree). We are working on establishing some standards, a timeline, and a convenient submission method for this review process and will seek departmental input in the fall. In the meantime, please upload your completed annual evaluations in our form submission portal at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfjrNXTmzLlagnZBctWkEAmYA8b7aRmmRlJmAp1l70G6Bo2SQ/viewform  selecting the “Annual Evaluation/Progress to Degree” form type. Your annual progress review provides important guidance to our graduate students and we appreciate your efforts to this end.

  1. Raising Awareness of the Graduate School Ombuds

Raising awareness and developing an understanding of how the role of the Graduate School Ombuds may provide support for the VT community is one of the key tasks of the Ombuds.  Connecting face to face with students and the faculty they work with is one of the best ways for individuals to learn about the services the Ombuds Office can provide.

One way to do this is to allow 10 minutes for a short presentation during your orientation programs for first year students. In these conversations, an intro to the role, the types of support available, and certain initiatives that the office is working on will be covered. Longer sessions around specific skill building topics in first year seminar courses are available as well. Speaking during a faculty meeting would be another way to increase awareness of the role with those who work directly with students on a daily basis. If you would like to schedule a session or discuss other opportunities to connect with your students and faculty, please contact Bryan Hanson at bryanh76@vt.edu.