June 1, 2023


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements  

  1. Annual Review of Online Application Supplemental Forms
  2. Graduate School Summer Walk-in Hours

Meetings, Workshops, & Events

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements

  1. Annual Review of Online Application Supplemental Forms

An annual review of our online application supplemental forms for changes, updates, and improvements is important to help ensure that your program’s information is being accurately reflected in the online version of the Virginia Tech Graduate School application. To review your departmental program information page and supplemental page (questions specific to your program), please first log into Slate using your VT credentials for the login. Once in Slate, navigate to the 2023 Application Review folder. From this location you can use the “Search Forms…” option located on the upper right-hand side of the page to find forms specific to your program(s). To view a form, first click on the line item to open a landing page and then select “Edit Form” on the upper right-hand side to access the form contents. For the purposes of this audit, do not comment on the deadlines as they exist on your Program Information page. Deadlines are managed through the Program Maintenance Form and are not the focus of this review. Carefully review the language and links and provide feedback following the instructions below.

Any changes to your department supplemental should be submitted through the Slate Assistance Request Form and selecting the Annual Supplemental Review assistance item. You may choose to free text comment in the form, pdf print the supplemental pages, and make notes via “sticky note” (Ctrl + 6) and “Highlight” or “Cross-out” text (Tools > Comment & Markup > Highlight Text / Cross-Out Text) features using Adobe, or you may print off the pages and with clear/neat handwriting print your changes, then scan to pdf and upload in the form. The review and confirmation of the application supplemental needs to be completed no later than Friday, July 7, 2023. Questions should be directed to Janice Austin at jema@vt.edu.

  1. Graduate School Summer Walk-in Hours

The Graduate School’s Support Hub of Inclusive Practices (SHIP/120 GLC) will be operating on summer hours from June 1-July 31. Walk-in hours will be held on Mondays and Thursdays, 9 am-4 pm. Staff will still be available by phone or email from 9 am-4 pm on days that SHIP is closed: grads@vt.edu/231-8636.