December 16, 2021

Meetings, Workshops, & Events
1. Graduate Program Director Meeting

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements
1. Recent Changes to ETD Availability

Meetings, Workshops, & Events
1. Graduate Program Director Meeting
Monday, January 24th, 2022 10:00-11:30am
Directors, please join Dean Surprenant either in person or by zoom for our next GPD meeting. If you plan on attending, completion of registration at the following link is required:

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements
1. Recent Changes to ETD Availability
Since 1997, Virginia Tech has required students to submit theses and dissertations electronically (ETDs) and has provided public access to them, currently in VTechWorks.

Students choose from three access options when submitting their ETDs:
1. Immediate full public access
All information and files for the ETD are immediately available to the public.

2. Access restricted to Virginia Tech for one year
Metadata about the ETD (title, author, etc.) is immediately available to the public. However, the files are only available to Virginia Tech-affiliated IP addresses for one year. Non-Virginia Tech users have the option to complete the request-a-copy form for the files, which is forwarded to the author to fulfill or deny. This option is intended for students who wish to restrict access prior to publication.

3. Withhold all access for one year
-ETDs submitted prior to November 3, 2021:
               No information or files are made available about the ETD for one year.
-ETDs submitted beginning November 3, 2021:
               Most metadata about the ETD (title, author, etc.) is immediately available to the public, but files        are restricted for one year. Users have the option to complete the request-a-copy form for the files, which is forwarded to the author to fulfill or deny.

Students may request that their ETDs be released earlier by contacting Students may request an extension of a restriction or withholding period by contacting Dr. Aimée Surprenant, Dean of the Graduate School (

Students may also now assign a Creative Commons license to their ETD during the submission process to enhance scholarly sharing.