July 16, 2021


Meetings, Workshops, & Events
1. Introduction to Graduate Student Career Development
2. Jigsaw Connect: “Holistic Application Review: Understanding Application Criteria to Make Better Admissions Decisions”

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Update

Administrative Announcements
1. Opening 2022 Admission Application Terms
2. Late Arrival Arrangements for International Students
3. GTA Workshop Requirement

Meetings, Workshops, & Events

1. Introduction to Graduate Student Career Development
Tuesday, July 20 from 9:00am-12:00pm
Become a stronger advocate for your graduate students’ career and professional development by participating in Intro to Graduate Careers & Services this summer! Register for this half-day training to learn all about what Career and Professional Development can do for your students, including specialized career advising, professional development seminars, and new programs to prepare our graduate students for diverse career paths. By participating, you will learn the following graduate-specific topics:

  • Current job market trends in academia, industry, and government
  • Job search strategies, resources, and timeline
  • Career advising services and upcoming professional development events for graduate students
  • How to refer graduate students to units across campus, including: Career and Professional Development, The Office of the Ombudsperson, Cranwell International Center, Cook Counseling, etc.

If interested, register at https://forms.gle/EFxpxmoR4cAaidBY6.

2. Jigsaw Connect: “Holistic Application Review: Understanding Application Criteria to Make Better Admissions Decisions”
Monday, August 16 at 2:00 pm
Join us for our August session in our monthly series focused on Recruitment and Retention Support for Graduate Programs. This session is entitled “Understanding Application Criteria to Make Better Admissions Decisions” featuring John Augusto, Strategic Advisor to Education Testing Services (ETS). Register at https://virginiatech.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwrceGopzosGNZKYm0D9zavtNg8bDcl1UWV. Email ordi@vt.edu if you have any questions or concerns.

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements

1. Opening 2022 Admission Application Terms
When you are ready to open and begin accepting applications for 2022 application terms, please submit the request in Slate using the Program Maintenance form for the major and adding a “New Registration” for each term to open. Questions regarding opening new application terms can be directed to Janice Austin jema@vt.edu.

2. Late Arrival Arrangements for International Students
International students who are unable to secure a visa appointment by August 1 or whose scheduled appointment is on or after August 6 may request late arrival through their academic department. The Graduate School will consider late arrival requests submitted by the academic department of the student at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdLNVEjJ1VxFbknu58OPOTyoNS1Ca9TYrQ8mSFGyS0u_3Td0w/viewform.

If applicable, students and departments should negotiate modified assistantship duties or a delayed start of the assistantship contract in cases of late arrival. Please note that students may not begin working on assistantship duties while outside the United States.

3. GTA Workshop Requirement
All GTAs must complete the GTA workshop. Students with GTA appointments who have not yet completed this requirement should register for the  GTA Workshop (GRAD 5004) as soon as web drop/add reopens on August 2. Please remind your students about this requirement. Details about the workshop will be sent by email to all registrants. You can also learn more about this requirement and workshop logistics at https://graduateschool.vt.edu/academics/courses-and-scheduling/graduate-school-courses/gta-workshop.html.