March 1, 2021


Did You Know?

Did you know that Virginia Tech now has a COVID-19 information hotline that is staffed seven days a week? The number is 540-231-7600.

Meetings, Workshops, & Events
1. Graduate Student Growth- Planting a Bright Future
2. International Women’s Day
3. The Art of Negotiation Seminar
4. Go and Come Again: Segregation, Tolerance, and Reflection: A Four-Generation African-American Educational Struggle
5. Jigsaw Connect: Library Services and Support for Graduate Students

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

1. Graduate Committee Service Approval Form Process Update

Administrative Announcements
1. Graduate School Funded Fellowships
2. Dean’s Diversity Assistantship
3. Powell Fellowship
4. McNair Graduate Assistantship
5. Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program
6. Opening 2022 Admission Application Terms
7. Graduate Admissions Analysis to be Inactivated

Meetings, Workshops, & Events

1. Graduate Student Growth- Planting a Bright Future
Friday, March 5th at 12:00 pm
Join the Graduate School for an interactive session with Dr. Bryan Hanson, Ombudsman along with a representative from Cook Counselling Center and learn tips/resources to support your growth as a graduate student.

Register at:
Questions, contact

2. International Women’s Day
Monday, March 8 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Join us for a celebration of International Women’s Day on Monday, March 8th. We have virtual and in-person (Blacksburg) options available. International Women’s Day is a global celebration of the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The event includes a panel discussion facilitated by Maria Elisa Christie Ph.D., with Farida Jalalzai Ph.D., Helena Carvalho Ph.D., and Najla Mouchrek Ph.D., followed by a discussion period with students that will be led by a facilitator. Questions, email

Register for in-person: 

Register to participate virtually and collect your participation bag from Roanoke, Blacksburg, or NCR:

3. The Art of Negotiation Seminar
Tuesday, March 9 from 12:00 – 1:00 pm
Join the Graduate School for a  free seminar to learn tips about negotiations. Registration Form: Questions, contact ORDI at

4. Go and Come Again: Segregation, Tolerance, and Reflection: A Four-Generation African-American Educational Struggle 
Wednesday, March 10th at 12:00 pm 
A conversation with Dr. Jerry L. Jones, a VT graduate school alumnus, and author of the New York Times featured book,  Go and Come Again: Segregation, Tolerance, and Reflection: A Four-Generation African-American Educational Struggle. He will share his experiences as a black southwest Virginia native and ways he has continued to encourage others to find their path! All are welcome to attend this event. Registration Link:  Questions, contact ORDI at

5. Jigsaw Connect: Library Services and Support for Graduate Students
Wednesday, March 24th from 12:00 – 1:00 pm  
Our next session will feature Lisa Becksford-Online and Graduate Engagement Librarian, Nathaniel Porter-Social Science Data Consultant, and Data Education Coordinator, and Ginny Pannabecker-Director, Research Collaboration and Engagement. Register at more information, email  

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates
1. Graduate Committee Service Approval Form Process Update
The process for requesting Graduate Committee Service Approval on behalf of students’ prospective advisory committee members is migrating to an online Google form, available now.  As of March 1, 2021, the Graduate School will be processing committee service requests exclusively via the Google form.  Until that date, we will continue to receive and process the pdf versionA downloadable guide to completing the online request form can be found here.

Administrative Announcements

1. Graduate School Funded Fellowships
Nominations for Graduate School Fellowships are currently being accepted for 2021-22. For eligibility, nomination information, and deadlines, please visit each opportunity listed on the Funding Sponsored by the Graduate School page.

2. Dean’s Diversity Assistantship
Applications are currently being accepted for the Dean’s Diversity Assistantship program. For eligibility and nomination information please visit

Deadline March 5, 2021 at 11:59PM.    Please contact Shernita Lee at with questions or concerns.

3. Powell Fellowship
Applications are currently being accepted for the  Powell Fellowship. For eligibility and nomination information please visit

Deadline March 26, 2021 at 11:59PM.  Please contact Shernita Lee at with questions or concerns.

4. McNair Graduate Assistantship
Applications are currently being accepted for the Ronald E. McNair Graduate Assistantship program.. For eligibility and nomination information please visit

Deadline March 12, 2021 at 11:59PM.  Please contact Shernita Lee at with questions or concerns.

5. Office of Science Graduate Student Research Program
The U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science is now accepting applications for the Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) program 2021 Solicitation 1. Applications are due 5:00pm Eastern Time on May 5, 2021. 

The SCGSR program provides doctoral dissertation/thesis research opportunities for graduate students at DOE national laboratories. Details about the program, research areas, and online application can be found at

6. Opening 2022 Admission Application Terms
When you are ready to open and begin accepting applications for 2022 application terms, please submit the request in Slate using the Program Maintenance form for the major and adding a “New Registration” for each term to open. Questions regarding opening new application terms can be directed to Janice Austin (

7. Graduate Admissions Analysis to be Inactivated
Now that we are using Slate for admission application decisions, we no longer need decisions entered through the Graduate Admissions Analysis in HokieSpa. The Graduate Admissions Analysis form will be inactivated at the end of February. Questions regarding the discontinuance of the Graduate Admissions Analysis form or admission application decisions can be directed to Janice Austin (