Upcoming maintenance (downtime) for Graduate Application System and Electronic Submission System

I’d like to make the graduate community aware that we will be migrating two services before the end of February. These migrations will require the systems to be unavailable for a short time. We are currently assessing the migration process to estimate the time it will require. Once we have a solid migration time estimate, we will share with you when, and for how long, that maintenance window will be. We understand that it’s preferred to never have a service down for maintenance, or any other reason, and appreciate your patience and understanding.

Services Effected: Graduate Application System (GSAPP): This is the service used by applicants to apply to graduate programs and you use to review and evaluate applicants. After the migration to new hardware, the service will also have a new link. If you have any direct links to this service, please check now to ensure those links are: https://applyto.graduateschool.vt.edu/

Electronic Signature System (ESS): You may know this service by other names such as: Grad Exam, Electronic Submission System, ETD upload, or others. This is the service that currently functions to schedule and administer Prelim and Final exams as well as submission and approval of ETDs. This service is used by academic faculty, students and Graduate School employees. After the migration to new hardware, the service will also have a new link. If you have any direct links to this service, please check now to ensure those links are: https://ess.graduateschool.vt.edu/

Jeremy Sippel
Director, IT
Graduate School, Virginia Tech