Nominations Invited for Graduate Student Awards

A number of prestigious awards are presented to graduate students each year, carrying a monetary prize ($200-$1000 each) and award certificate. The Graduate School invites nominations by faculty and departments for any of the following awards: 

  • Outstanding Dissertation in (1) math, sciences and engineering, and (1) in social sciences, business and humanities
  • Preston Society Master’s Thesis Award
  • Graduate Student Teaching Excellence (1) for GTA instructor of record (1) GTA instructor assistant
  • Graduate Student Service Excellence
  • Graduate Student of the Year (up to three awards given; self-nominations and nominations by other students are also accepted)
  • Outstanding master’s and doctoral student in each college and in interdisciplinary programs

Winners will be presented at the Graduate School’s annual awards banquet on March 27, 2014. For more information about criteria, forms, and process for nomination, visit