Diversity Scholar Nominiations Open until December 10

Diversity scholars are graduate students who specialize in and advocate for the awareness, knowledge, and skills associated with diversity and inclusion in the Graduate School and greater community. A diversity scholar’s goal is to create dialogue, provide advocacy, and implement change for a more diverse and inclusive experience for all graduate students, faculty, staff, and administrators. This involvement can take place in many forms and can be specific to a particular curriculum or department, or it can be more global.

Each diversity scholar will receive a one-time stipend of $300 after completion of the program. Additionally, if a student presents his/her project at a conference, the ORDI will assist with the conference fees and/or travel, with approval.

Due December 10, 2013

Nomination form https://survey.vt.edu/survey/entry.jsp?id=1378238446124

Diversity Scholars Submission Form

Dannette Gomez Beane
Office of Recruitment and Diversity Initiatives