PEO Doctoral Scholar Awards for Women

P.E.O. is announcing the highly competitive $15,000 P.E.O. Scholar Award program for women doctoral students for 2013/2014 academic year.   P.E.O. is a philanthropic educational organization (, which provides financial aid for the education of women.  The three Blacksburg P.E.O. Chapters coordinate efforts to identify and nominate up to three candidates. Successful chapter nominees will be asked to submit more detailed award application materials by P.E.O. International in early winter and will have 45 days to complete their applications. Award recipients will be announced by May 1, 2013.
A woman is eligible for nomination by a local P.E.O. chapter if she:
·         is a citizen of the U.S. or Canada at the time of her nomination;
·         will complete her doctoral degree between April 2014 and August 2015
·         doctorial students in a “Medical Scholars Program” pursuing both an M.D. and a Ph.D. are also eligible;
·         is enrolled in her program at an accredited college or university. She can be part-time at the time of nomination, but must be a full-time student during the year of the award.
A woman is not eligible for Scholar Awards support for a:
·         master’s degree
·         certificate program
·         residency, fellowship, specialization, postdoctoral research position, etc.
A woman is not eligible for a Scholar Award if she will be employed full-time during the year of her award.
The applications of individuals who satisfy these eligibility criteria will be evaluated on a nondiscriminatory basis without consideration of race, age, national origin, religious affiliation, disability or P.E.O. connection.
Local Nomination Application Components:
One to two page single-spaced cover letter highlighting current work and career goals
Unofficial transcripts
One letter of reference
Application Deadline: September 30, 2012.
Mail or email complete applications to:
Rebecca Caldwell
345 Woods Lane
Newport, VA 24128
Faculty are requested to identify outstanding eligible women doctoral students and encourage them to apply for the award. The Awards are extremely competitive but Virginia Tech has had over 20 awardees since 2000. For additional information on the P.E.O. Scholar Award, see: or contact Rebecca Caldwell at or 540-544-4444.