International Invitation to Commencement in PdF Format Now Available Through HokieSpa

A new feature has been implemented for International Invitation to Commencement requests. The International Invitation to Commencement Request moved from a paper-based form to an online request in HokieSpa earlier this semester. A new added feature launched today is the ability for the student to immediately get a PdF invitation per guest rather than having to wait for a paper invitation(s) to be generated in the Graduate School and signed in the President’s Office.

Any current graduate student or alumni with a pending or awarded graduate degree from Virginia Tech can login to HokieSpa and under their Degree Menu request the International Invitation to Commencement. The student will be able to select from a list of degrees they have earned or will earn. The system will generate the International Invitation to Commencement per guest (no limit) as a PDF for printing or saving to the user’s desktop. This new online request system for the International Invitation to Commencement allows a student to make the request at any time of day and have an immediate letter without having to submit a form and wait for processing in the Graduate School.