Call for Nominations for Graduate Student Awards

The Graduate School would like to encourage nominations for the following student awards:

  • Outstanding Dissertation– two awards, one in math/science/engineering and one in social sciences/business/humanities, $1000
  • Graduate Student Teaching Excellence- $1000
  • Graduate Student Service Excellence– $1000
  • Graduate Man and Woman of the Year– $500
  • Outstanding Interdisciplinary Program Student– $500
  • Outstanding Graduate Student– one master’s and one doctoral student per      college, $500
 All students will be recognized during the Graduate Education Week banquet in March as well as receive a plaque/certificate and monetary award. More information about criteria, forms, and process for nomination can be found on our web page at:

The deadline for the first five awards listed above is February 3, 2012 at 5 pm while the last one is due by February 17 at 5 pm.