Plan of Study: Development, Review, and Approval for Departments – Workshop

The Plan of Study is the degree contract that a student develops with their department.  If you are interested in learning more about the elements involved in developing a Plan of Study attend this information session provided by Jacqueline L. Nottingham, Director of Graduate Admissions & Academic Progress.

The session is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20, from 1-2 pm in Room F of the Graduate Life Center.  It is designed as a as tool for those new to the Plan of Study process and should act as a refresher for those previously involved.  We will cover topics such as Gradaute School minimum degree requirements, POS entry in Banner, 4000 level and transfer courses, missing grades, and accelerated programs.  There will be an opportunity for Q & A following the general presentation.

If you have questions about the session, you can contact Jacqueline L. Nottingham at 231-3092, or by email at