Master’s Thesis Awards nominations open

The William Preston Society has changed the date of their annual meeting where the Thesis awards are presented to early Fall.  Thus, the Graduate School has to accelerate our schedule for recruiting nominations for these awards to Spring (used to be early Fall).  Please see this link to the description of these awards and gives the details for nominations


The categories this round are (see attached for specific definitions):

·         Humanities and Fine Arts

·         Mathematics, Physical Sciences and Engineering

·         Innovation Application of Technology to Scholarship


Eligible students will have completed their master’s thesis in Summer  2009, Fall 2009 or Spring 2010. The deadline for submission of nominations is Friday May 21, 2010 at 5 pm.

Plan of Study: Development, Review, and Approval for Departments – Workshop

The Plan of Study is the degree contract that a student develops with their department.  If you are interested in learning more about the elements involved in developing a Plan of Study attend this information session provided by Jacqueline L. Nottingham, Director of Graduate Admissions & Academic Progress.

The session is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20, from 1-2 pm in Room F of the Graduate Life Center.  It is designed as a as tool for those new to the Plan of Study process and should act as a refresher for those previously involved.  We will cover topics such as Gradaute School minimum degree requirements, POS entry in Banner, 4000 level and transfer courses, missing grades, and accelerated programs.  There will be an opportunity for Q & A following the general presentation.

If you have questions about the session, you can contact Jacqueline L. Nottingham at 231-3092, or by email at

International Student Basics for Departments – Workshop

Learn what international students go through just to arrive at Virginia Tech, and then what they have to do legally to remain in the U.S. If you are you curious about how and when International Graduate Student Services, a small unit within the Graduate School, processes immigration forms, attend this information session provided by Ruth Athanson and Zelma Harris, immigration advisors for the Graduate School.

The session is scheduled for Tuesday, April 6, from 1-2 pm in Room F of the Graduate Life Center. The information is designed for those who work with international graduate students, and will help departments understand more about how immigration issues impact their work with these students. The presentation will be followed by a Q&A session.

If you have questions about the session, you can contact Ruth Athanson or Zelma Harris at 231-8486, or by email at