Call for Proposals – Institutional Plan for Graduate Degrees

The Graduate School calls for new degree proposals for inclusion on the Institutional Plan for Graduate Degrees (IPGD). The IPGD comprises a list of degree programs approved internally for development to begin during the 2010-11 academic year. The intention is that these programs would be implemented no later than Fall 2013. We anticipate that colleges will review and select from proposals generated by their academic units. We would like to receive the college-approved proposals by December
15th so we can finalize the 2010-11 update to the IPGD by the end of the Spring 2010

Please provide the following information (in two or fewer pages) for degree programs
you wish to have considered for inclusion on the plan:
  Need and demand for the degree
  Target audience
  Graduate courses (existing and proposed) underpinning the degree
  Conformity with the VT Strategic Plan, particularly with regard to research emphasis and interdisciplinary nature
  Source of financial support
  Anticipated implementation date

The proposed degrees currently listed on the wish list will be considered for pre-approval in this review cycle. Please review the current “wish list”  and indicate those proposals that should be removed from consideration.

Guidelines and the current IPGD are available from Rosemary Blieszner, Please send proposals to Rosemary Blieszner, Associate Dean, Graduate School (237 GLC, 0325, 1-5645) by December 15, 2009.