September Monthly Memo

Deadlines & Timelines

  • October 1 – Students must submit their Application for Degree (AFD) indicating they wish to be a fall 2008 Graduate
  • Application for Degree submission deadline : October 1, 2008
  • Please note: The system will still accept submissions after this deadline.
  • However, an AFD must be submitted by the deadline for the student’s name to appear in the Commencement Bulletin.
  • Students whose Plan of Study is not approved will not be able to submit their AFD until the Plan of Study is complete and approved.
  • Please see other dates and deadlines for degree completion
  • October 15 – Deadline departments should recommend admission for spring International applicants
  • December 1 – Last date for accepting regular and online applications for spring admission; students applying after this date must use the expedited application
  • December 15 – Departments should submit all recommendations for admission to the Graduate School by this date


Graduate School Distinguished Lecturer
David Whyte on Leadership: The Art and Science of Conversation
October 22, 12:15-1:30pm, GLC Multipurpose Room
The Graduate School is pleased to present its Distinguished Speaker Series, featuring  poet and lecturer David Whyte, who uses poetry to help individuals and organizations "expand personal and professional visions and think in fresh and innovative ways.” Through poetry and storytelling he opens the “conversational edge” where imagination, creativity and energy converge and allow us to conceive of “new and unexpected answers to old problems.”  Through his lectures, Whyte  contributes to our understanding  of individual and organizational change. His clients include Boeing, Frito-Lay,  The Mayo Clinic, Stanford,  The Royal Air Force of GB, and many more.  

Graduate Program Directors Workshop – Hold the Date
On Wednesday, November 5, we will hold an Advising Graduate Students workshop from 1:00-2:30 in the GLC. 

Personnel announcements

  • David Trauger has returned from retirement to continue to assist with projects related to graduate education in the National Capital Region.
  • Marilyn Kershaw will remain as Director of Recruiting for the Graduate School through February 2009.

Policies & procedures updates

  • The change in policy regarding the use of 4000 level courses on the graduate Plan of Study, 4984 Special Study courses can be included in the 6 credits of the allowable 4000 level courses.  Independent study (4974) will continue to be excluded.
  • According to VT policy and SACS accreditation standards,  graduate students are not allowed to serve as the instructor of record for graduate courses. Graduate students (GTAs) holding a master’s degree or a minimum of 18 credits in the discipline can serve as an instructor of record for undergraduate courses.
  • CGS&P will once again review the bachelor’s/master’s degree program and welcome your comments. 

 Graduate Catalog
Academic program entry for the catalog will come to a close on October 1.  The Graduate School will  then review the content with the official publication to follow shortly thereafter.  After the initial publication the catalog will not be available for edits while we make adjustments based on feedback and lessons learned from the initial entry.  The catalog will be available again early in 2009 for edits to be made for the 2009-2010 catalog as well as contact and faculty listing maintenance.  We appreciate the efforts of the academic programs and colleges in making the transition to the online publication of the catalog!

Writing Coach
Thanks to the Writing Center, we  are pleased to announce the continuation of the Virtual Writing Center free to all students in the National Capital Region. All sessions are live, via video conference, Mondays and Thursdays, 6:00-8:00, room 313, Northern Virginia Center. Students should contact Jeremy Henry at for an appointment.


4000 Level Course Update

     Colleges and departments have reviewed the 4000 level classes that historically have been approved for graduate credit.  The 4000 level classes that departments desire to remain at the 4000 level require no further action.  Those 4000 level classes previously approved for graduate credit that now are being proposed as conjoint classes will need some minor revisions so we can be successful in our upcoming SACS review.    

     The VT Graduate Curriculum Committee (GCC), which includes representation from the Registrar’s Office, Graduate School and all colleges, unanimously approved a “Fast Track" process to swiftly and easily process the 230+ conjoint classes.  Please visit the Graduate School’s web address noted below to review the “Reference Guide for 4000 Courses Previously Approved for Graduate Credit Procedures”:

     In order for Departments to get the 4000-5000 conjoint classes in the Fall 2009 Timetable, a quick turn target deadline of Oct. 17, 2008 was, unfortunately, necessary. This deadline will allow the GCC’s Subcommittee one month to review all courses submitted and then, in turn, submit the entire list to the full GCC for formal vote at its only November meeting on Nov. 13, 2008. This GCC approved list then goes to the Commission on Graduate Studies for its approval at its only December meeting on Dec. 3, 2008.  Thus, Departments, by second week of December, can insert new conjoint classes with new numbers into the December Timetable Banner screens.  All revised con-joint courses need to be submitted to the Graduate School:  Attn – Dr.  Brian J. Mihalik.

     If a Department is unable to meet the October 17 target, submit conjoint courses as they are completed but at the same time make sure you insert a class into your Fall 2009 Timetable so as not to lose your Timetable class day and time slot.  You can later make changes to the Timetable as necessary.