Master’s Thesis Awards announced

Three students have recently been recognized as winners of the William Preston Society/Conference of Southern Graduate Schools Master’s Thesis Awards. Nominees were required to have completed their thesis in the last academic year and fit under one of the three categories listed below. We had an excellent slate of nominees this year.  They were judged on the basis of contribution to the field, research methodology, and clarity of presentation.  The following students are the award winners:

Life Science categoryKaren E. Drahos.  Biological Sciences, advisor: Carla Finkielstein. Sulfatides mediate disabled-2 membrane localization and stability during platelet aggregation.

Social Science, Business & Education: Ge Zhang.  Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, advisor: Wen You. Incorporating food-away from home into the thrifty food plan.

Innovation Application of Technology to Scholarship William Robert Story. Aerospace and Ocean Engineering, advisor: Leigh McCue. Application of Lyapunov exponents to strange attractors and intact & damaged ship stability.


These students have been put forward to the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools to be considered for additional awards selected by that organization.