
We would like to invite all graduate program directors and graduate program coordinators to our Admissions Summit to be held on Wednesday, November 4th at 3:00pm in Room F of the GLC.

The role of this meeting is for us to review the various admissions tools that are available through the Graduate School and to share information about the Online Application, transcript review, test scores, admissions recommendations through the Online Admissions Analysis tool, and decision deadlines.

Come join the conversation.

Graduate Admissions Summit
Sponsored by Graduate Admissions & Academic Progress
Room F, GLC
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
3:00-4:30 pm

  1. Overview of the online application via CollegeNet and available resources
  2. Transcript review, gpa calculations, and test scores
  3. Making recommendations for admission through the Online Admissions Analysis Tool
  4. Decision Deadlines
  5. Discussion of any questions, concerns, or suggestions related to the process