ETD Speaker Series: Spring 2011

Each session will be held from 7pm-8:00pm in the Graduate Life Center.

Wednesday, February 16th (GLC Room G, NVC 401)
Gail McMillan will discuss copyright, permissions and representing other author’s works in your ETD

Tuesday, March 22nd
(GLC Room F, NVC 401)
Graduate School Review of your ETD Graduate School staff will discuss items they check while reviewing your submitted ETD and the timeline of the submission process

Monday, April 11th (GLC Room G, NVC Arranged)
Walk-in ETD Review Session Graduate School ETD Coaches will be available for one-on-one ETD review. Please bring your ETD on your laptop or jump-drive and a staff member will do a preliminary review of your ETD prior to submission. Extended campus students will need to email Janice Austin to schedule a time for video conference review (6 time slots are available).

Please contact Graduate Admissions and Academic Progress at 540/231-8636 or if you have any questions.

Call for Graduate Student Award Nominations

The Graduate School invites nominations for the following student awards:

  • Outstanding Dissertation– two awards, one in math/science/engineering and one in social sciences/business/humanities,  $1000
  • Graduate Student Teaching Excellence– $1000
  • Graduate Student Service Excellence– $1000
  • Graduate Man and Woman of the Year- $500
  • Outstanding Graduate Student– one master’s and one doctoral student per college, $500
  • Outstanding Interdisciplinary Program Student– $500

All students will be recognized during the Graduate Education Week banquet in March as well as receive a plaque/certificate and monetary award.

More information about the criteria and process for nominations can be found on our web page at:

Nomination deadline: February 4, 2011.

New Graduate Student Orientation on Friday, Jan 14

The new graduate student orientation is our welcome event for new students, filled with valuable information to help them get started in their graduate studies at Virginia Tech. The program offers an opportunity to meet with and hear from the Graduate School dean, members of the Graduate School, and representatives of some major student organizations. New students can learn what is expected from students and faculty and gain helpful tips for a successful graduate career.

The program concludes with some refreshments and a tour of the Graduate Life Center. Current graduate students will also be on hand to assist with the program and answer questions.

Friday, January 14, 1:00-3:00pm, GLC Room F

Winter Break Closure of the Graduate School

The Graduate School’s offices in Blacksburg will be closed from December 23, 2010 through January 2, 2011 for the winter break. Normal business hours (M-F 8-5) will resume at 8:00am on Monday, January 3.

Graduate students with a valid Hokie Passport may access the public areas of the Graduate Life Center even during the winter break by using one of the two doors with card-readers (Otey Street and Bookstore side entrances).

Office of Recruitment & Diversity Personnel Changes

The Graduate School announces changes in the Office of Recruitment and Diversity Initiatives.  Dr. Manuel A. Perez-Quinones has served as Director of said office and Associate Dean of the Graduate School since August 2008.  Since November of 2009, Dannette Gomez Beane has served as Assistant Director of the office.

Dr. Manuel A. Perez-Quinones has completed his term as Associate Dean and is returning to his home department, Computer Science, to resume his duties as professor and researcher.  During his tenure at the Graduate School, the ORDI office went from a series of ideas and plans to support diversity at the Graduate School to what today is a series of well-defined programs making the Graduate School a more inclusive environment.

In the last 2 years, and under the direction of Dr. Perez-Quinones and Ms. Gomez Beane, the ORDI office has had many accomplishments; among them are the creation of a Global Diversity course that is part of the Transformative Graduate Education Initiative, the reorganization and leadership of the Coordinated School Visits Program, the creation of the Diversity Initiatives Program, and the Diversity Scholars program.  In addition, the ORDI office co-sponsors many events on campus that celebrate diversity and that foster a more inclusive environment for graduate students.

Ms. Dannette Gomez Beane will become Director of the ORDI effective immediately.  She will continue to lead us into the future of diversity and inclusiveness at the Graduate School.

No ENGL 0014 (Oral Communication for Int’l Teaching Assistants) Offered in Spring 2011

English 0014 (Oral Communication for International Teaching Assistants) will be offered only in the fall semester. Testing (TEACH and SPEAK Tests) of international graduate teaching assistants with classroom or laboratory teaching duties will resume in  August 2011.  Further information will be provided later in the spring.

Departments who have any untested ITA’s who are expected to teach before fall 2011 should contact Dr. Don McKeon to set up a testing schedule. Testing will be available during the week of December 13. 

One-time Bonus for Graduate Assistants

Graduate students on assistantship are eligible for the bonus if:

  • they were employed (GA, GRA, GTA, faculty, or staff) during the 2009-10 fiscal year, and
  • are contracted as a graduate assistant (GA, GRA, GTA) on December 1st, 2010.

The bonus is 3% of the graduate student’s projected annual pay as of December 1st, 2010, based on an academic year or calendar year basis.  The graduate student’s 2009-10 employment history will determine an academic or calendar year appointment basis.  The bonus is included in the December 1st, 2010 paycheck.  Applicable taxes and deductions will apply.
Q: Who is eligible for the Returning Graduate Assistant Bonus?

A: Graduate assistants who were contracted as a GA, GRA or GTA or employed as a faculty or staff member during the 2009-10 year and are contracted as a GA, GRA or GTA on December 1st, 2010 are eligible.

Q: What if I was employed as a wage employee last year or will be a wage employee on December 1st, 2010?
A: Wage employees in the Commonwealth are not eligible for the bonus program.

Q: How much bonus will I receive?
A: Consistent with the bonus for salaried staff and faculty, eligible returning graduate assistants will receive a one-time bonus payment of 3% of their annual compensation, calculated based on their 2009-10 appointments (academic year or calendar year) and their current stipend amounts.

Q: When will I receive my bonus?
A: Bonuses will arrive in the December 1st paycheck. No application is necessary.

Q:  How will the bonus to graduate students with assistantships be taxed?
A: Federal and state tax withholding rates will depend on the personal withholding status of the student employee based on the W-4 and VA-4.  As a rule, FICA taxes will not apply, as students with assistantships should meet the requirements for the student FICA exception.  This is the same method used to calculate taxes on the regular paycheck.

Q: What if I have further questions?
A: Graduate students with a specific question not answered above regarding the bonus program should contact the Graduate School at 231-4558 for assistance. Departments and colleges with questions about funding should contact Brennan Shepard in the Office of Budget and Financial Planning at 1-6419.

Preview Weekend

It is time to start nominating candidates for Preview Weekend.

Nominations will be accepted through January 20, 2011. Please note that this program is designed to bring your top candidates to campus as an opportunity for the Graduate School and your department to highlight our offerings. 

Priority is given to students who have not already visited campus and who are underrepresented in your department.

Please contact me if you have questions.

Dannette Gomez Beane

Office of Graduate Recruiting and Diversity Initiatives

Virginia Tech


Nominations requested for Graduate Student Awards

The Graduate School would like to encourage nominations for the following student awards:

  •          Outstanding Dissertation– two awards, one in math/science/engineering and one  in social sciences/business/humanities, $1000
  •          Graduate Student Teaching Excellence- $1000
  •          Graduate Student Service Excellence– $1000
  •          Graduate Man and Woman of the Year– $500
  •          Outstanding Graduate Student– one master’s and one doctoral student per college, $500
  •          Outstanding Interdisciplinary Program Student– $500
 All students will be recognized during the Graduate Education Week banquet in March as well as receive a plaque/certificate and monetary award. More information about criteria, forms, and process for nomination can be found on our web page at:

The deadline for the first four awards listed above is February 4, 2011 at 5 pm while the last two are due by February 18 at 5 pm.

AdvanceVT Grad Student Lunch Seminar

Graduate students interested in pursuing a faculty career and learning more about working at different types of institutions are invited to join a panel discussion of strategies for success. Panelists are Dr. Olga Pierrakos, Assistant Professor, Engineering, James Madison University; Dr. Morgan Wilson, Associate Professor and Head, Biology, Hollins University; and Dr. Julie Dunsmore, Associate Professor, Psychology, Virginia Tech.

AdvanceVT Graduate Student Lunch Seminars are designed to help graduate students prepare for careers in academe. All graduate students and postdocs are welcome, and lunch is provided. Register here by November 10.