February 1, 2024


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

  1. Graduate Student Resource Fair

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

  1. Dean’s Diversity Assistantship Nomination Period is Open
  2. McNair Graduate Assistantship Nomination Period is Open
  3. Powell Fellowship Nomination Period is Open

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements  

  1. 2024-25 Graduate School Fellowships
  2. CIRTL at Virginia Tech Associate Teaching Program

Continue reading “February 1, 2024”

January 16, 2024


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

1. Brown Bag Mentoring Lunch with the Dean

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

1. Dean’s Diversity Assistantship Nomination Period is Open

2. McNair Graduate Assistantship Nomination Period is Open

3. Powell Fellowship Nomination Period is Open

4. CIRTL Network Spring Programming Schedule

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements  

1. 2023-24 Graduate Student and Outstanding Mentor Awards-deadlines fast approaching!

2. 2024-25 Graduate School Fellowships

Continue reading “January 16, 2024”

January 2, 2024


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

1. 2024 Bouchet Honor Society Applications Due January 16, 2024

2. Dean’s Diversity Assistantship Nomination Period is Open

3. McNair Graduate Assistantship Nomination Period is Open

4. Powell Fellowship Nomination Period is Open

5. GTA Workshop

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements  

1. 2023-24 Graduate Student and Outstanding Mentor Awards

2. 2024-25 Graduate School Fellowships

Continue reading “January 2, 2024”

December 15, 2023

Meetings, Workshops, & Events

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

  1. 2024 Bouchet Honor Society Applications Due January 16, 2024
  2. Dean’s Diversity Assistantship Nomination Period is Open
  3. McNair Graduate Assistantship Nomination Period is Open
  4. Powell Fellowship Nomination Period is Open

Policy Updates 

Administrative Announcements  

  1. 2023-24 Graduate Student and Outstanding Mentor Awards
  2. 2024-25 Graduate School Fellowships

Continue reading “December 15, 2023”

December 1, 2023


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

  1. GHS Panelist Training for Interested Faculty

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

  1. 2024 Bouchet Honor Society Applications Due January 16, 2024
  2. COVES Fellowship-Deadline Extended to December 10th
  3. Dean’s Diversity Assistantship Nomination Period is Open
  4. McNair Graduate Assistantship Nomination Period is Open
  5. Powell Fellowship Nomination Period is Open

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements  

  1. 2024-25 Graduate School Fellowships
  2. 2023-24 Graduate Student and Outstanding Mentor Awards

Continue reading “December 1, 2023”

November 1, 2023


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

  1. Graduate Coordinators’ Networking and Info Sessions
  2. Co-Authorship with Graduate Students: A Workshop for Faculty
  3. Graduate Programs Invited to Participate in 4th Annual NURVA Conference in November

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

  1. Graduate School Funded Fellowship Nominations-Spring 2024
  2. 2023 Bouchet Honor Society Applications Due January 16, 2024
  3. COVES Fellowship Applications

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements  

  1. From Diversity, Inclusion, and Strategic Partnerships
  2. Cranwell Staffing Announcement

Continue reading “November 1, 2023”

October 16, 2023


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

1. Graduate Honor System Seeking Faculty Panelists

2. Webinar: Recruitment Strategies to Address Today’s Challenges

3. Diversity Scholars Information Sessions

4. Co-Authorship with Graduate Students: A Workshop for Faculty

5. From Admit to Arrival: The Immigration Process for Graduate International Students

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

1. Graduate School Funded Fellowship Nominations-Spring 2024
Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements  

1. Survey on VT Shared Governance System

2. Cranwell Staffing Announcement

Continue reading “October 16, 2023”

October 1, 2023


Meetings, Workshops, & Events

1. Graduate Honor System Seeking Faculty Panelists

2. Webinar: Recruitment Strategies to Address Today’s Challenges

3. GPSS Graduate and Professional School Fair

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements  

1. Survey on VT Shared Governance System

Continue reading “October 1, 2023”