Graduate School Summer Hours

Starting Monday, May 16, the Graduate School’s Blacksburg offices in the Graduate Life Center (GLC) will operate with summer hours, opening at 9:00am each day and closing at 4:00pm. The summer schedule will be in effect through Friday, July 29. Regular business hours (8-5) will resume on August 1. When the Graduate School is open but the GLC is closed, access Graduate School offices through the entrance door facing Squires Student Center.

The Graduate Life Center will remain accessible 24/7 to all graduate students with a valid Hokie Passport.

Search for New Chief Justice of the Honor System Now Open

The Graduate Honor System is opening a search for a new chief justice, due to the impending graduation of the current chief justice, Kim Carlson.

All nominees and applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be graduate student in good standing who has been in residence for a minimum of one semester
  • Be able to serve as Chief Justice for at least one year while enrolled full-time in the Blacksburg campus

Preferably applicants should have experience as an Honor System investigator or panelist. The application deadline is April 22.

Applicants should submit a statement of purpose (why interested in serving in this capacity, how will contribute to the GHS, ideas or vision for the improvement of the system, etc) and a resume to:  Monika Gibson, Graduate Student Services (0325), 117 GLC, or by fax to 231-3714, or by email to

The new Chief Justice will be selected by a committee and ratified by the Graduate Student Assembly and the Commission on Graduate Studies and Policies before final appointment by the president.

Please share this information with graduate students who you think would be good candidates for the chief justice position and encourage them to apply. For more information or with questions contact Monika Gibson by email or phone at 231-4558.

2nd Call for Proposals – Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program (IGEP)

Program Description:

The Graduate School will support three new IGEPs beginning Spring 2012 for planning purposes, with the first cohorts of students enrolling Fall 2012.  The purpose of the IGEPs is to promote and sustain support of interdisciplinary graduate research and education at Virginia Tech.  Each IGEP will address a major fundamental problem or complex societal issue requiring an interdisciplinary team of scholars. Each new IGEP will be awarded four funded GRA positions from the Graduate School.  In addition, each IGEP will receive funding for recruitment, operations, and a shared staff person (one staff person for two or three IGEPs).

Each IGEP will develop its own criteria on which to be evaluated.  The criteria would be finalized based upon input from the Deans and final review by the Graduate School.  The plan for sustainability of the program should include, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Statement of commitment to reach a steady state of graduate students (n=10?) by year 3 of the IGEP, with plans of how the IGEP will grow in numbers beyond that steady state.
  • How and when the GRAD 5134 course will be taught.
  • Plan of how the IGEP PIs will obtain additional funding as appropriate.
  • Evaluation of return on investment: i.e. grants, publications, presentations, time for students to complete degree, and other quantitative measures that will be accomplished in 3 years.

The criteria set forth in the plan must be met by the third year of funding at which time the decision will be made about the continuation of funding for the IGEP. 

Interested groups of faculty representing several disciplines should submit proposals for new IGEPs electronically to Karen P. DePauw, Vice President and Dean of the Graduate School at by November 11, 2011.  Proposals will be peer reviewed and should be no more than five pages in length (single space, 12 point font, and 1” margins) with ten pages as maximum including appendices.  Results will be announced by the end of January 2012 so that planning can occur in the Spring semester.    


Proposal Description and Requirements:

a)      Title of proposed program; names of colleges (minimum of two) and departments (minimum of three) involved; names and contact information of faculty members involved. Limit: 1 page.

b)      Introduction: rationale and need for interdisciplinary graduate education program.  Identify education and research goals of the IGEP. Limit: 1 page.

c)      Description: of long term goals and intellectual focus of proposed program (existing courses and courses needed); student recruitment and retention plan; plan for securing funds for assistantships; plan to reach and sustain a steady state of graduate students; and plan for program assessment and outcomes.  All proposals must include a plan of utilization of the already established GRAD 5134 Interdisciplinary Research course at least once in a three year period. Limit: 3 pages.

d)      Support: proposed programs should provide a letter documenting support from their Departments and Deans. Appendix. 

e)      Desired criteria: Plan for securing extramural funding over time; plan to reach across the disciplinary landscape to incorporate disciplines (particularly the Social Sciences and Humanities) and integrate within the proposed curriculum. Appendix. 

Graduate Education Week 2011

Graduate students and members of the Virginia Tech community are invited to participate in Graduate Education Week events from March 21 through March 25. Workshops, research symposium, student contests, photo and art display, and a variety of social events mark the 11th annual Graduate Education Week.

For a full description and schedule of events, visit our GEW 2011 website.

Graduate Education Week highlights the importance of graduate education; increases the university community’s awareness of the contributions of graduate students to teaching, research and service; and enhances the graduate student experience through professional development programs and celebratory events.

Distinguished Graduate Alumni Achievement Award nominations

Would you like to acknowledge outstanding accomplishments of an alumnus from your master’s or doctoral graduate program?  The Graduate School and the Alumni Association select the Distinguished Graduate Alumni Achievement Award recipient each year from those nominated.  We will accept one nomination per department until March 25, 2011. The nomination requires submission of two letters and the nominee’s full vita. Submissions in the form of pdf files are preferred over paper submissions and should be emailed to
If you submitted a nomination last year, it is being considered again this year (will continue in consideration for up to three years) but you may update that nomination if desired.
For the full instructions see for description, link to nomination form, and address to submit. The award winner will be invited to be acknowledged at the Spring Commencement ceremony.  His or her lodging at the Inn will be paid by the Graduate School. Contact Pat Goodrich with any questions: 540/231-4558

Workshop Announcement: Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program (IGEP)

The Graduate School is hosting a workshop for faculty considering Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Program (IGEP) submissions in the future.  IGEPs are supported by the Graduate School and are intended to promote and sustain interdisciplinary graduate research and education at Virginia Tech.  Each IGEP addresses a major fundamental problem or complex societal issue requiring an interdisciplinary team of scholars.


On its first year, 17 IGEP proposals were submitted with participation from 183 faculty, 7 colleges, and 56 departments.  We are pleased to announce that four IGEPs have been awarded funding.  Over the next two years, three additional IGEPs will be funded each year.  The 2nd call for IGEP proposals (Fall 2012) will be announced in late March 2011 following the workshop with a deadline for mid Fall 2011 to allow more time for the development phase.


The workshop for future IGEP proposals will focus on the components of a successful proposal from the perspective of both IGEP reviewers and faculty with currently funded IGEPs.  The workshop will be held on March 15, 2011 from 1:00-3:00 pm in GLC room F.  Please join us!


Register now for Graduate Student Appreciation Luncheon

Departments and individual faculty are encouraged to join the Graduate School in celebrating the many contributions graduate students make to the university, by treating their students to a French-themed lunch buffet. Dean Karen DePauw will offer a welcome to mark the official beginning of Graduate Education Week. Participation by advance reservation only. Lunch tickets are $12.50/person. All reservation requests and advance payment must be received by March 14, 2011. Space is limited; reservations will be accepted as long as seats are available.

Monday, March 21, 11:30am-1:30pm, GLC Multipurpose Room

Download the registration form.

Institutional Plan for Graduate Degrees (IPGD)

The IPGD comprises a list of degree programs approved internally for development to begin during the 2011-12 academic year.  The intention is that these programs would be implemented no later than Fall 2014.

We anticipate that colleges will review and select from proposals generated by their academic units.  We would like to receive the college-approved proposals by March 14th so we can finalize the 2011-12 update to the IPGD by the end of the Spring 2011 semester.

Please provide the following information (in two or fewer pages) for degree programs or graduate certificates you wish to have considered for inclusion on the plan:

§  Need and demand for the degree

§  Target audience

§  Faculty resources to be utilized

§  Graduate courses (existing and proposed) underpinning the degree

§  Conformity with the VT Strategic Plan, particularly with regard to research emphasis and interdisciplinary nature

§  Source of financial support

§  Anticipated implementation date

Send proposals to Rosemary Blieszner, Associate Dean, Graduate School (, 1-5645) by March 14, 2011.

ETD Speaker Series: Spring 2011

Each session will be held from 7pm-8:00pm in the Graduate Life Center.

Wednesday, February 16th (GLC Room G, NVC 401)
Gail McMillan will discuss copyright, permissions and representing other author’s works in your ETD

Tuesday, March 22nd
(GLC Room F, NVC 401)
Graduate School Review of your ETD Graduate School staff will discuss items they check while reviewing your submitted ETD and the timeline of the submission process

Monday, April 11th (GLC Room G, NVC Arranged)
Walk-in ETD Review Session Graduate School ETD Coaches will be available for one-on-one ETD review. Please bring your ETD on your laptop or jump-drive and a staff member will do a preliminary review of your ETD prior to submission. Extended campus students will need to email Janice Austin to schedule a time for video conference review (6 time slots are available).

Please contact Graduate Admissions and Academic Progress at 540/231-8636 or if you have any questions.