August 16, 2021


Meetings, Workshops, & Events
1. Graduate School Virtual Resource Fair

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements
1. Graduate Program Faculty Status for all individuals serving on graduate committees
2. Candidacy Status Tuition Discount
3.Late Arrival Arrangements for International Students
4.Raising Awareness of the Ombudsperson

Meetings, Workshops, & Events
1. Graduate School Virtual Resource Fair
Thursday, September 2, 2021 11:00AM-3:00PM Virtual/Brazen
The Graduate School’s Office of Recruitment, Diversity, and Inclusion will host a virtual resource fair to directly connect all campuses and extensions to various opportunities. Learn valuable information regarding future programing, family and academic support, mental health services, and more! Registration is FREE for participating students and departments/programs. Students may register here: Questions, please email

Policy Updates

Administrative Announcements
1. Graduate Program Faculty Status for all individuals serving on graduate committees
Effective September 1, 2021, the Graduate School staff will review each committee member listed on all plans of study submitted for final Graduate School approval to ensure that each proposed committee member has a current Graduate Program Faculty status approval. Department Heads/Chairs or Graduate Program Directors may nominate members of all VT faculty ranks, as well as other qualified individuals within or outside the university for Graduate Program Faculty status by submitting the online Graduate Committee Service Approval Form (note you must be logged into your VT Google Account to access the form). Our downloadable guide is available to assist you in completing the online request form. The Graduate Catalog provides further details on Graduate Advisory Committees including functions, qualifications of members, composition, and additional considerations. Graduate Program Faculty status approvals are valid for 5 years.

Graduate Committee Service Approval Form link:

Downloadable Guide link:

Graduate Catalog link:

2. Candidacy Status Tuition Discount
Please visit the Graduate School website, along with the Graduate Student Assistantship Management & Funding Guide FAQ page for detailed information. The deadline for the student to apply to August 27th.

3. Late Arrival Arrangements for International Students
International students who are unable to secure a visa appointment by August 1 or whose scheduled appointment is on or after August 6 may request late arrival through their academic department. The Graduate School will consider late arrival requests submitted by the academic department of the student at:

If applicable, students and departments should negotiate modified assistantship duties or a delayed start of the assistantship contract in cases of late arrival. Please note that students may not begin working on assistantship duties while outside the United States.

4. Raising Awareness of the Ombudsperson
Connecting face-to-face with students and the faculty they work with is one of the best ways for individuals to learn about the services the Ombuds office can provide. One way to do this is to allow 10 minutes for a short presentation during your orientation programs for first year students. These conversations will cover an introduction to the role; examples of how, why, and when to engage with this resource; and certain initiatives that the office is working on. Longer sessions built around specific skill-building topics in first year seminar courses can also be a good way to introduce this resource to your community. Additionally, speaking during a faculty meeting would be another way to increase awareness of the role with those that work directly with students on a daily basis.

If you would like to schedule a session or discuss other opportunities to connect with your students and faculty, please contact Bryan Hanson, Ombudsperson for the Graduate School, at