May 16, 2021


Meetings, Workshops, & Events
1. Invitation to Informal Farewell Party for Dean Karen DePauw
2. Jigsaw Connect: Recruitment Strategies with ETS

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Update
1. New Procedures for Departmental Approval of Graduate Co-op

Administrative Announcements
1. Graduate Admissions Process Survey FINAL REMINDER
2. Inclusion and Diversity Requirement Plans
3. Save the Date: HBCU/MSI Research Summit

Meetings, Workshops, & Events

1. Invitation to Informal Farewell Party for Dean Karen DePauw
Thursday, June 3rd from 4:00 – 6:00 pm

The Graduate School is hosting an informal farewell party for Dr. Karen DePauw on Thursday, June 3, 4:00-6:00pm in the Graduate Life Center to celebrate her many accomplishments and contributions to the advancement of graduate education. If you are interested in attending in person or virtually, please complete this survey: In the survey you may also share memories to be included in the celebration. Arrangements about in-person or virtual participation will be finalized as we learn more about COVID-19 restrictions for events, and everyone who completes the survey will be notified about details.

2. Jigsaw Connect: Recruitment Strategies with ETS
Wednesday, June 16 at 10:00 am

Join us on June 16th at 10am EST to discuss new recruitment features with ETS! In this session, we will discuss GradSchoolMatch(GSM) and GRE Search Service. Please register at Feel free to invite others in your unit who might find this content helpful. If you have any questions, please email

3. Save the Date: HBCU/MSI Research Summit
October 10th – 11th
Please hold October 10-11 for the annual HBCU/MSI Research Summit. The event is slated for in person this year; However, we are also exploring hybrid options (virtual components). If you have any questions, please email

Deadlines & Dates to Remember

Policy Updates

1. New Procedures for Departmental Approval of Graduate Co-op
Graduate students can now apply for co-op online at The online form replaces the previously used Graduate Co-op Request Form. Once students submit their request online, the form will be routed to the academic advisor for review, and the advisor will receive an email prompt to take action. If approved by the advisor, the request will be forwarded to the Graduate School for decision. The process is the same regardless of the student’s campus location. The Cranwell International Center or their NCR counterpart will be notified of the approval if the requestor is an international student in F-1 or J-1 status. Please contact Monika Gibson at if you have any questions.

Administrative Announcements

1. Graduate Admissions Processes Survey – FINAL REMINDER
Graduate Program Directors are invited to participate in the Graduate Admissions Processes Survey. One pillar of the Graduate School’s Inclusive VT Implementation Plan is to promote holistic evaluation of applicants for admission to graduate study. This is a follow-up to a similar survey conducted in 2015 to identify the full range of criteria and considerations currently in use at Virginia Tech. Please share this with other colleagues who may have admissions oversight, but only one response is needed per program. Your participation is appreciated and goes a long way toward informing best practices and guidance coming from the Graduate School. The deadline has been extended to May 19th. The survey can be accessed here: Graduate Admissions Processes SurveyQuestions related to the survey may be directed toward Kacy Lawrence at 

2. Inclusion and Diversity Requirement Plans
As this academic year comes to a close, the Office of Recruitment, Diversity, and Inclusion is preparing to complete summary reports regarding progress of the Inclusion and Diversity requirement plans. If your plan is complete and ready for review, please email it to by May 28th for feedback and inclusion in the 2020-2021 plan summary. All approved plans to date are located at