Graduate Student Annual Progress Review

Graduate Program Directors, Graduate Program Coordinators, and Department Heads:
This is a reminder for all programs to make sure they do an annual progress report on each of their graduate students and share this with the Graduate School.  As you know, this is required by Presidential Policy Memorandum #229.  I have attached a handout I did for one of the GPC/GPD Dialog sessions that summarizes the purpose and what should be included in the evaluation. Although the majority of programs do this each year, some do not. Others do it but do not send to the Graduate School (as required by the policy). We would like to get all programs in compliance—we are here to help. Most programs do these evaluations in mid-late Spring semester and send them to me in early Summer. Please let me know if you have any questions about the value of the evaluations orneed help in this process ( ).
This year, we need to change the procedure for submission to the Graduate School.  While in the past, many departments sent the files as attachment, we have been informed that this is not allowed by FERPA regulations since they clearly have sensitive information.  So, you can submit these reports/summaries one of three ways:

  1. Our preferred method is to securely submit the files electronically. Please see the overview here as to how to do that.
    1. If you have difficulties or questions, feel free to contact us.
  2. Send the hard copies via campus mail to me at 0325
  3. Burn the files onto a CD and mail to me at 0325

For FERPA compliance please DO NOT send via email.
Thank you all for your support of our graduate programs and guidance to our graduate students.  Let me know if I can be of assistance.