Graduate Scholars Society Fall 2011 Discussion Groups

The Graduate Scholars Society is a group of graduate students and faculty who form into discussion groups of 5-8 to meet 5+ times during the semester in relaxed environments on or off campus. Discussions are lead by a faculty member and a graduate student knowledgeable about the group’s topic. Topics this fall are:

  • Taking an Oath for Ethical Research and Scholarly Integrity led by Ishwar Puri
  • University Emergency Preparedness – Are we ready for disaster? led by Michael J. Mulhare
  • The World’s Energy Demand – Go Nuclear? led by Mark Pierson
  • Through the Looking Glass – The Influence of Measurement Technology on Scientific Research led by Joe Pitt
  • How Technology Shapes Our Relationship to Music; led by Ivica Ico Bukvic.

Students may register for a discussion group here. Students may earn 1 credit for participation if they wish. Learn more about the Graduate Scholars Society.