Search for New Chief Justice of the Honor System Now Open

The Graduate Honor System is opening a search for a new chief justice, due to the impending graduation of the current chief justice, Kim Carlson.

All nominees and applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be graduate student in good standing who has been in residence for a minimum of one semester
  • Be able to serve as Chief Justice for at least one year while enrolled full-time in the Blacksburg campus

Preferably applicants should have experience as an Honor System investigator or panelist. The application deadline is April 22.

Applicants should submit a statement of purpose (why interested in serving in this capacity, how will contribute to the GHS, ideas or vision for the improvement of the system, etc) and a resume to:  Monika Gibson, Graduate Student Services (0325), 117 GLC, or by fax to 231-3714, or by email to

The new Chief Justice will be selected by a committee and ratified by the Graduate Student Assembly and the Commission on Graduate Studies and Policies before final appointment by the president.

Please share this information with graduate students who you think would be good candidates for the chief justice position and encourage them to apply. For more information or with questions contact Monika Gibson by email or phone at 231-4558.