ETD Speaker Series: Spring 2011

Each session will be held from 7pm-8:00pm in the Graduate Life Center.

Wednesday, February 16th (GLC Room G, NVC 401)
Gail McMillan will discuss copyright, permissions and representing other author’s works in your ETD

Tuesday, March 22nd
(GLC Room F, NVC 401)
Graduate School Review of your ETD Graduate School staff will discuss items they check while reviewing your submitted ETD and the timeline of the submission process

Monday, April 11th (GLC Room G, NVC Arranged)
Walk-in ETD Review Session Graduate School ETD Coaches will be available for one-on-one ETD review. Please bring your ETD on your laptop or jump-drive and a staff member will do a preliminary review of your ETD prior to submission. Extended campus students will need to email Janice Austin to schedule a time for video conference review (6 time slots are available).

Please contact Graduate Admissions and Academic Progress at 540/231-8636 or if you have any questions.

Call for Graduate Student Award Nominations

The Graduate School invites nominations for the following student awards:

  • Outstanding Dissertation– two awards, one in math/science/engineering and one in social sciences/business/humanities,  $1000
  • Graduate Student Teaching Excellence– $1000
  • Graduate Student Service Excellence– $1000
  • Graduate Man and Woman of the Year- $500
  • Outstanding Graduate Student– one master’s and one doctoral student per college, $500
  • Outstanding Interdisciplinary Program Student– $500

All students will be recognized during the Graduate Education Week banquet in March as well as receive a plaque/certificate and monetary award.

More information about the criteria and process for nominations can be found on our web page at:

Nomination deadline: February 4, 2011.

New Graduate Student Orientation on Friday, Jan 14

The new graduate student orientation is our welcome event for new students, filled with valuable information to help them get started in their graduate studies at Virginia Tech. The program offers an opportunity to meet with and hear from the Graduate School dean, members of the Graduate School, and representatives of some major student organizations. New students can learn what is expected from students and faculty and gain helpful tips for a successful graduate career.

The program concludes with some refreshments and a tour of the Graduate Life Center. Current graduate students will also be on hand to assist with the program and answer questions.

Friday, January 14, 1:00-3:00pm, GLC Room F